Chapter 17

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Me and JJ decided to help Pope with delivering groceries. "You boys and girl get these groceries over to Figure Eight. Get straight back here when you're done. No fishin. I promised delivery by this afternoon. Rich folks don't wanna wait for you lazy sons of. Oh, JJ, thank you. Sons of bitches" Heyward told us as we put the groceries on a table in the back of the boat.

We were almost to the Figure Eight dock when we seen all the huge, clean houses. "Doesn't even look like the storm hit there" Pope said at one of the houses. "That's because they got generators, bro. Get used to it. And then they say the juice will be out all summer at the cut" JJ said playing with a knife in his hands. "Must be nice to be a Kook" I said as I layed my head on JJ's shoulder. "Lucky bastards" JJ said putting his sunglasses on me. I looked up at him and smiled and he smiled back.

When we arrived at the Figure Eight dock, I gave JJ his sunglasses back. My house that I had to deliver to was the same way as Pope's so we went together, after I gave JJ a see you in a few minutes kiss. As we walked pass the golf course we saw Rafe and Topper.

"Hey what's up Pogues" Rafe said walking in front of us with Topper right behind him. "Hey, how much for one of those beers" Rafe asked. "There no for sale" Pope said. "Oh, wait, wait, wait. You can just give us one, then, right" Rafe asked. "Are you fucking deaf. There not for sale, so fuck off" I snapped. I was tired of Kooks. "Some ones mad today" Topper said pointing at me, Rafe ignored me. "Listen. Wait, wait, wait. You're not listening to me. You got so many, bro, and we've got nothing" Rafe said. "Nothin" Topper said joining in. "They're not mine. They're already paid for" Pope explained. "Already paid for? You two probably stole'em, right" Rafe said ripping the bag of groceries Pope was holding open with his golf club. "What the hell? You owe me for that" Pope yelled. "What hell is wrong with you? Are you stupid or just can't hear" I snapped at Rafe. "I don't owe you two shit, Pogues" Rafe said pushing Pope and me back. "Buy your own shit" I yelled as I dropped all the groceries in my hands. "Hey. Come on, man. We just want one of these beers! Just give us one of these beers" Topper said trying to take the beers from Pope. "You guys are freaking crazy" Pope said trying to push Topper away. Topper pushed Pope to the ground. That set me off no one hurts my friends so I pushed Topper to the ground. Then Rafe threw me to the ground. Pope stood up and tried to hit Topper in the face but Rafe hit Pope across the stomach with his golf club and the hit Pope over the back. I stood up and punched Rafe as hard as I could in the face. I caused Rafe to have a bloody nose. He wiped the blood away then he punched me in the mouth and hit me in the ribs with his golf club. "Stay down bitch" Rafe yelled once I hit the ground. "Hey, let's go! Let's go, man" Topper yelled. "We don't want you two here. Got that" Rafe said looking down at us. "Let them go, man" Topper said. "Stay off Figure Eight, Pogues" Rafe said then him and Topper lefted.

"Pope you okay" I said spitting out blood. I groaned in pain as I stood up. "Yeah, I think so you" Pope asked standing up. "Busted lip, bruise ribs. Nothing I haven't had before" I said as we walked back to the boat.

"Pope, Steph" JJ yelled excitedly as he ran down the dock to the boat. "Guys, you are not going to believe what just happened to me. Whoo! That was the best 100 bucks I've ever made" JJ said excitedly as he walked into the bridge of the boat. "When I say count me in on all these grocery deliveries, Pope, I mean it" JJ said standing next to Pope who was driving the boat, I was on a small seat by the door.

"What's up with you? Bro, you good? Yo, what happened to your face, dude" JJ asked moving Pope's hat, he saw the blood on the side of Pope's head. "Jesus" JJ yelled then he looked over at me for answers but my back was turned to him. "What happened" JJ asked sternly. "Rafe and Topper jumped us. They said no Pogues on their side of the island" Pope said. "US" JJ yelled and ran over to me. "Baby girl, did they hurt you" JJ asked worried. So I turned around and faced him, he saw the blood on the side of my lip and he clinched his jaw. "Busted lip, bruised ribs nothing I haven't had before Jay. But you will be happy to know that I gave Rafe a bloody nose" I said looking into his eyes. JJ grabbed the bottom of my shirt and lifted it to my ribs. I swear I could see fire in his eyes. "Are you going to be okay" JJ asked pulling my shirt down. "Yeah, I'm strong. This is nothin" I said. JJ kissed my forehead. "That's my girl. What are you gonna do about it, Pope" JJ asked.

We arrived at Topper's boat dock. "2020 Malibu, 24 MXC. The world's finest wakesetter. Number one in quality, luxury, and performance" Pope said staring at Topper's boat. "This is war Pope. They hit us, we hit them" JJ said putting on a bandana then handed me a bandanna and I put it on. "Do it, Pope" I said as JJ put on his sunglasses. Pope took off his shirt and jumped off our boat and swam over to Topper's. He climbed into Topper's boat, pulled the plug then he jumped off and swam over to our boat and climb in.

"Wow, you did it. I'm so proud of you right now. Holy crap" JJ said after he took off his sunglasses and bandana. "Good job, Pope. I'm proud of you" I said after I took off my bandana. "JJ, Steph. You two can't tell anybody" Pope said. "Oh, no, yeah. Totally dude" JJ answered. "No, I'm serious, guys. Not Kie, not Chey, not JohnB, nobody" Pope said. "Our lips are sealed" I said. "Give me that. Give me that" JJ said twice to Pope because Pope didn't listen the first time. Pope gave JJ, Topper's boat's plug and JJ threw it way off into the water. "Ok let's get outta here" JJ told us.

Then we went to the beach to surf with Kie, Chey, and JohnB. "Hey save some waves for us" JJ yelled as we made our way to the water with our boards. "Hey guys" I yelled. "Hey where y'all been" Kie yelled back at us. We spent the rest of the day surfing and joking around with each other.

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