Chapter 5

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We get the keg and head to the boneyard. "Tally-ho" JohnB said as he lifted one side of the keg over a log on the beach. "Hey-up" JJ said as he liftes up the other side of the keg over the log. Me and Pope bring red solo cups, Kie brings the nozzle for the keg, Char brings the radio. JJ and JohnB put the keg down Kie throws JJ the nozzle for the keg, me and Pope place the cups next to the keg, Char puts the radio on a log. After JJ puts the nozzle on the keg he pumps it up a few times and sprays JohnB in the face with beer and we all laugh at him. JohnB hands Kie a beer then hands me one and tries to hand one to Pope. "No. Hell, no" Pope told JohnB. "I'll take it" JJ says and takes the beer. Then Char and JohnB got one.

Alright, you can't understand the Outer Banks without understanding the boneyard. It's kinda like a three-layer burrito. There's us and our friends, the working-class derelicts. Then, there are the Kooks, the rich second-homers. They're mostly from poncey-ass boarding schools, just rich trustafarian posers. Our natural enemies. And then, there are the Tourons. Totally clueless. Here for a week on vacation with their families. Chum for the sharks.

After a while JJ asked me to a chugging contest which I won. JJ starts trying to act funny(me and JJ have I high tolerance to alcohol, he is not drunk) and jumps on top of a log "we are family" JJ said in a sing-song voice while jumping off the log next to me. Pope and Kie were talking to random people, Char was with JohnB, and I was with JJ. "Oh. My. God. JJ look over there" I said pointing at Char who was pushed up against a tree by JohnB, and they were making out. "No way, they must be drunk" JJ said to me in disbelief. "Yup, they are definitely drunk" I said looking up a JJ. "What is she doing here"Kie asked me and JJ. " I have no idea Kie" I said. That's Sarah Cameron. Kook princess. Kiara's best friend in the ninth grade, worst enemy in the tenth grade . Then that's Topper, her not so pleasant boyfriend. Topper actually thinks Pogues were bred to mow lawns.

It was getting dark now, so me and JJ wanted to find JohnB and Char, we found them talking by the water. JJ was bring JohnB another beer and I was right behind him. JJ whistles "yo, JohnB" JJ said as we walk up to JohnB and Char. "What're you doing" JohnB asked JJ. "Yo, what's up? Me and Steph got this for you" JJ said put the beer in held the beer in front of JohnB. "Want it" I asked JohnB. "For me? Yeah, I'll take a sip" JohnB says to JJ starts to hand the beer to JohnB. "Oh, wait. Hey, hey. Hey, Sarah" JJ calls. I know how much he loves to annoy Kooks, it was the best thing ever, I loved doing it to. "Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage" JJ asked trying to hand her the beer. "No, thanks" Sarah said. "Is it not fancy enough for you" I asked Sarah. "No. We were just leaving" Sarah said to me. "Hey, you know what? I'll take it" Topper said trying to take the beer from JJ's hand. "I'll-thank you, man. I appreciate it" Topper said. The fact he actually thought JJ was going to give him the beer is hilarious. "That's nice, but I didn't ask you" JJ said pulling the beer away from his hand. "If you said pretty please, maybe" I said backing JJ up, JJ smiled when I said that. "But you didn't" JJ said. "Oh, pretty please" Topper said getting annoyed. "Yeah, Sarah" JJ said looking at Sarah. "Pretty please" Topper asked, just being an ass hole."You, can have it" JJ said handing the beer to Sarah. Topper hit the cup out of JJ's hand making the beer hit me and JJ in the face. "She doesn't want it, you" Topper started. When JJ look over at me really fast realise that I was covered in beer to he snapped and grabbed Topper by the collar of his shirt. JohnB pull JJ off Topper trying to stop the fight. "No, no, no, no" JohnB said trying to calm JJ down. "You're so funny, man" JJ said annoyed at Topper. "Hey JohnB said trying to distract JJ.

" Dirty Pogues "Topper yelled causing JohnB to snap. JohnB pushed Topper back. "Oh" Sarah said surprised. "JohnB" Pope warned. Pope was now holding back JJ and Char was now holding me back. "We're supposed to be incognito, remember" Pope said trying to calm JohnB. "Babe, babe, babe, babe" Sarah yelled trying to stop Topper. Topper walked up to JohnB and punched him in the eye, now Char and Pope struggled to hold me and JJ back. After Topper hit JohnB in the eye, JohnB fell down, Topper kicked him in the ribs and knocked JohnB completely down into the water. The crowd was chanting "fight". "Hey, JohnB, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right" Topper said firing JohnB up even more. JohnB got up and tackled Topper. Me and JJ finally stopped fighting Char and Pope.Pope, Kie, and Char we're yelling for them to stop, as me and JJ cheered on JohnB. Topper and JohnB punched each other where ever the could. "Topper, stop" Sarah yelled. "Come, on JohnB" me and JJ said cheering him on. As the crowd continued to chant "fight".

JohnB hit Topper right in the face. " That's what I'm talkin about"JJ cheered. "You got this JohnB" I said cheering him on. Topper hit JohnB in the face as Kie, Char, and Sarah continued to yell stop. JohnB knocked Topper down into the water "come on" JohnB yelled as Topper got up. Topper knocked JohnB into the water and started to drown JohnB. "JJ do something please" I begged JJ, I did not want to watch my best friend get drowned. JJ walked over to his backpack and pulled out his gun and head straight for Topper. JJ walked up behind Topper and put the gun to the back of his head and clicked off the safety. Topper immediately stopped pushing JohnB's head down into the water. " Yeah, you know what that is. Your move, broski" JJ said in a dark voice. The crowd was now running and screaming. "Stop! JJ, put the gun down" Sarah yelled. "Did you say something princess" JJ asked Sarah. "We're good. We're good" Topper said holding up his hands and slowly started to get up. "Put the gun down" Sarah yelled at JJ. "Steph! Can you check your psycho boyfriend, please" Sarah yelled at me. "Go to hell princess" I yelled at Sarah. JJ pulled his gun into the air "okay, everyone, listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island" JJ yelled and shot the gun twice in the air. "Are you crazy? You idiot" Pope yelled at JJ. Kie pushed him "stupid" Kie yelled at JJ, Char ran over to JohnB. "Why would you do that" Pope yelled at JJ. "It's not worth it" Kie screamed at JJ. "I was saving his life, okay" JJ yelled at them both. "Stupid" Pope yelled again. "You're gonna jeopardise everything" Pope yelled pointing at JJ. Char, Kie, and Pope took JohnB home I stayed on the beach with JJ.

"I bet your mad at me too" JJ said looking at his feet. I took the gun out of his hand and put it into his bag then I walked back over to him and pulled him into a tight hug. "No, I'm not mad at you, you saved his life" I said rubbing his back. "Steph, I need to tell you something" JJ said pulling back and looked me into my eyes. "What it is, you can tell me anything" I said in a soft voice. "I'm in love with you Stephanie, I have been for years" JJ said still looking into my eyes. "I have been in love with you for years too JJ" as soon as I said that JJ crashed his lips against mine. I was shocked at first but I kissed him back. Our lips moved perfectly together like we were made for each other. When JJ pulled back he rested his forehead against mine as we caught our breath. "That was my first kiss" I said to JJ. JJ looked surprised "what? Your to pretty there is no way I was your first kiss" JJ said. "It was my first kiss I have never let anyone else kiss me because I love you" I said looking into his ocean bule eyes. "I love you too" JJ said, then he softly kissed my lips again. "Come on, you can stay at my house tonight, because my dad is not home, he won't be home for a week" JJ said as intertwined our fingers. "As long as I get my cuddles" I said looking up at him. "Of course pretty girl. You will get your cuddles, because I love you cuddles too" JJ said as we walked to his house.

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