Chapter 12

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We arrived at the Wreck. Pope went to get Kie and Char. Char walked out and got in the back of the the Twinkie with me and JJ. "She says she's not comin" Pope yelled from the Wreck door. JJ had his head in my lap as I ran my fingers through his hair. "Why not" JJ asked with his eyes closed enjoy my fingers running through his hair. "What'd you do to her JohnB" JJ asked. "Shit" JohnB whispered. "Hang on. I'll deal with it" JohnB said getting out of the Twinkie. "Fix it JohnB" I said in a annoyed voice. "JohnB is an idiot" I whispered in JJ's ear. "Correct" JJ said laughing. "You two are such softies. You both act all big and bad but when you two are around us or alone you guys are so cuddly" Char said smiling at me and JJ. "So, I'm only a softy for him" I said to Char then looked down at JJ. "Yeah, we are only softies for each other" JJ said and closed his eyes again as my fingers run through his hair. "Whatever you say softies" Char teased as JohnB and Kie walked out of the Wreck.

It was now dark outside as we drove down the road. I was now sitting on JJ's lap as he smoked a joint. JohnB was driving, Kie was in the passenger seat. Char was sitting behind JohnB and Pope was sitting in the floor. "You mind if I just relax on this one? It's been a long day, and a lot of weird stuffs gone down. I'm just gonna lay low. Oh, did you want a hit of this" JJ asked Pope. Pope shake his head no.
"I want a hit of it" I said. JJ smiled at me as he passed me the joint. "I bet that's not the only thing you wanna hit" Char said smirking. "Well, JJ, what do you think about hitting something else" I said smirking at him and JJ winked at me. "I wish I didn't make dirty joke" Char said covering her eyes. "Look I know I was wrong about the lighthouse, all right? And wrong about everything else going on. But I was right about one thing. Okay? My dad is trying to tell me something" JohnB said as we pulled into the cemetery.
"Hey, come on" JohnB said to Kie. "I'm coming. This place is scary" Kie said walking next to JohnB. "scaredy-cat" Char mumbled. JJ looked at me with a confused look. "Later" I mouthed he nodded his head and grabbed my hand, intertwining are fingers. "If dead people start coming out of the ground I'm taking JJ and leaving y'all" I joked. "Wow, you would leave your sister and best friends to die but take your boyfriend" Char said pretending to be hurt. "Yup" I said, JJ lean his head down and kissed my cheek. "My hero" JJ said chuckling at me.

"What are we doing here" Kie asked in a annoyed voice. "You know how you're trying to remember a song and can't remember who sings it" JohnB asked. "Yeah" Kie said. Char rolled her eyes when Kie spoke, she found out JohnB kissed Kie she was not happy. "So, Redfield. This whole time, I thought it was a place, right? But it's not a place. It's a person" JohnB said pointing a flashlight on the tomb that said Redfield. "Voi-effing-la" JJ said. "See my great-great-grandmother Olivia Redfield. That was her maiden name" JohnB said. We stared at the the tomb for at least a minute.

"Help me with the door. Come on" JohnB said as he walked up to the tomb door. "All right" Pope said walking forward. "One, two, three" JohnB and Pope said in sync. "Hey, handsome why don't you help them" I said to JJ. JohnB and Pope start trying to push the tomb door. "Are you pushing" Pope asked JohnB. "Yeah, I'm pushing" JohnB said. "Hold on. I got it" JJ said stepping in between Pope and JohnB and started pushing the tomb door. "Damn" I said breathlessly staring at JJ in awe. "Are you serious right now Stephanie" Char asked me in disbelief. "What, JJ looks 100 times hotter when his muscles flex. If it's even possible for him to get any hotter" I said still starting at JJ.

"This door is like 700 pounds. It's not gonna buge"Pope said. "We didn't come this far to get this far, all right. We got this" JJ said. Then all of a sudden a snake hissed and comes out of the a crack in the tomb door. "A snake" JJ said jumping in front of me knowing how much snakes scare me. "Oh, hell no" I said freaking out. I jumped on JJ's back he caught me legs and tighten his grip on my thighs. Everyone started to back away from the tomb. "That's a Moccasin, all right. Ye Olde Dr. Cottonmouth. Death in tall grass" JJ said and then started barking at the snake. "JJ, shut up. Shut up" Kie yelled. "What's wrong with you JJ" Char asked. "There's a lot wrong with both of us" I yelled over JJ's barking.

"You're gonna wake the dead, man" Pope said in a annoyed voice. "They're afraid of dogs. Everyone knows that, man" JJ said after he finally stopped barking. Now that the snake was gone I was calm now. "JJ can you put me down, please" I asked. "No, let me hold you" JJ said turning his head so he could see me over his shoulder giving me puppy dog eyes. "Fine" I said giving in to him, he smiled at me and turned his head back towards JohnB. JohnB started to walk back up to the tomb. "Wait, hold on" JJ said. "What" JohnB asked and stopped walking. "If there's one, there's probably dozens" JJ said glancing at me over his shoulder. "Stop. You're scaring me" Kie wined. "No one cares" Char said under her breathe but me and JJ heard it.

JJ started barking at the tomb again. "Stop barking at the snakes" JohnB hissed. "Look, John" Pope started before JJ started talking. "Just making sure it's clear" JJ said defending himself. "Shut up. John, look. We're not gonna get in there, all right? It's not budging. We should probably just go" Pope said wanting to leave. "I can get through" Char said looking at a huge crack in the tomb door that one of us can get through.

"What. No, no, no, no. You think you're gonna fit through the hole" JohnB asked. "Look, this is about your dad. And honestly, I hope I find something in there for you because you deserve the truth. I'll do it" Char said walking up to the tomb. Pope and JohnB walked over and held the vines away from the hole. "JJ put me down, and give her a boost" I said. JJ put me down and walked in front of the tomb door where the hole is. "I'm gonna boost you, all right. I've seen it in the movies several times" JJ said then he leand back against the wall putting his hand together making a platform for her feet. "What I'm I looking for" Char asked putting her hands on JJ's shoulders and her foot in his hands. "You'll know when you see it" JohnB said. "On three. Okay, never mind. Just forget about three" JJ said as Char pulled herself into the tomb.

"Okay, I need some light" Char said from inside of the tomb. "Yeah here" JohnB said handing her a flashlight.
"Everything ok in there Char" JohnB asked his voice laced with worry. "Yeah" Char answered. "I need some more light please" Char said. "Here I gotcha" JohnB said hold another flashlight through the crack. "Oh, my god" Char said.

Char handed a package to JohnB through the crack in the door then she climb out. JohnB looked down at the package in he's hands. "Holy shit. This is from my dad" JohnB said. I heard the flick of a lighter, I turned around to see JJ smoking again.

"Code red. Code red. Square groupers. Square groupers" JJ whispered yelled. We ran to the right side of the tomb. "Lights" Kie whispered to us. JohnB, Pope, Kie, and Char turned off their lights. I turned my light off, JJ was putting out his blunt. JJ head light was still on so I leaned over a turned it off. "I see something" a man said. JJ looked around the corner and looked back at us. "Homie's got a gun" JJ said. "Screw this" Kie said running to the Twinkie.

I grabbed JJ's hand and we all followed Kie. The men starting following us. Me and JJ were the first two over the wall, Char, Kie, and JohnB right behind us. Pope decided to climb over the gate. Why? I have no idea. "Guys I'm stuck" Pope said. "Come on Pope" JJ yelled as me, him and Char climbed in the back of the Twinkie. JohnB climbed in the driver seat and started the Twinkie. Kie is trying to help Pope get down. "Wait. You're gonna rip me" Pope yelled. "You're fine. Come on" Kie yelled pulling Pope down from the gate. "JJ" I said laughing at Pope. JJ turned around and looked at Pope and started laughing. "It's a little tootsie roll" JJ said laughing as Pope gets in the back with us and Kie gets in the passenger seat. I slowly lay my head on JJ's shoulder as we both laugh uncontrollably at Pope as we drive back to the chateau.

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