Chapter 11

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We all got in the Twinkie. JohnB was driving, Kie was in the passenger seat, Pope was sitting behind JohnB, me and JJ sat in the back, JohnB dropped Chey off at the Wreck for her shift. "I mean, it's obvious, right. A family heirloom. What better place to hide a message. He had to know it was gonna get back to me, right" JohnB said. "Yeah. It's possible" Kie said giving JohnB hope. "It could be possible, that you're concocting wild theories to help, you know, deal with your sad feels" Pope said. "Bro, you know how me and Steph process our sad feels. Dank nugs and the stickiest of ickies, that how we do it" JJ said pulling me into his side smiling at me.

"I'm not concocting, okay. My dad's trying to give me a message" JohnB said in a annoyed voice. "If it helps you believe, JohnB" Kie said in a soft voice. "Look, I don't need a therapy session, okay? Look, I'm not trippin out" JohnB said trying to convince us. "It's ok to trip, bro" JJ said. "Look, my dad is missing, okay? Missing. You don't know what it's like to have the person closest to you vanish and have no idea what happened. Just wake up every morning wondering" JohnB snapped. "Try having one of the closest people to you vanish and you find out they vanished because they don't want you. Just wake up every morning wondering what you did wrong and why your not good enough" I said my voice laced with pain. "You did nothing wrong. Your mom is just a dumbass and you are good enough, she is not a good enough mom for you" JJ said then kissed my lips gently.

"Hey, he could have been kidnapped. That's a possibility"JJ said trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, he could be in a Soviet sub getting interragred by the KGB somewhere" Pope said going along with JJ. "Absolutely. Uh, or Atlantis" JJ said. "JJ, not helping" I whispered in his ear then kissed his cheek. "Look, what do you think the message is" Kie asked JohnB. "Redfield. Redfield lighthouse. That's my dad's favourite place" JohnB said as we pulled up to the lighthouse. We all climb out of the Twinkie and look at the lighthouse.

"Right hears what's going to happen. You two are gonna post up and look out for bogeys" JohnB said pointing at me and JJ. "Wait, why us" JJ asked. "Because you two are not coming" Pope said looking at me and JJ. "Why" JJ asked in a annoyed voice. "There are independent and dependent variables. You both are independent. We don't know what you two will do" Pope yelled. "Shut up. Just shut up" JJ yelled, I walked over to a tree that is in front of the Twinkie and sat down in front of it. I was not in the mood for a fight. "Listen to me for a second. Pope you stand look out with JJ and Steph. Okay. If we get split up, we meet back at JJ's house" JohnB said then Kie and him walked off to the lighthouse.

"I'm gonna work on my merit scholarship essay and I'm trying to keep felonies to a minimum" Pope said as he walked back to the Twinkie. "All right, would you just shut up already" JJ said in a annoyed voice as he walked over to me and sat next to me. "You okay baby girl" JJ asked his voice and face laced with worry. "I don't know JJ. Today has been wild and I'm exhausted" I said as I layed my head on his shoulder. "Yeah, today has been wild. If you want you can take a nap on my shoulder, I will wake you up when JohnB and Kie get back" JJ said softly as he wrapped his arm around my waist and layed his head on mine.

Then a few seconds later we heard sierens. JJ and me jumped up and ran to the Twinkie and jumped in the back, while Pope climbed into the driver seat and drove away. "Hey JJ, I'm dropping off the Twinkie off at the chateau. Do you want me to drop you and Steph off at your house" Pope asked. "Yeah man" JJ said. Pope dropped off me and JJ at JJ's house. "Thanks Pope" JJ yelled as we walked into his house. "Baby girl, are you still sleepy" JJ asked me in a soft voice. "Yeah" I said sleeply. "Come on, we can take a nap in my room and I will give you cuddles" JJ said softly as we walked to his room. "Yes please" I said as I jumped on his bed. JJ climb in after me, JJ pulled me into his side. I layed my head on his chest as he rubbed my back softly until we both fell asleep. We got woke up by JohnB blowing the Twinkie's horn. We jumped out of bed and got in the Twinkie to pick up Kie and Chey because JohnB had another plan and Pope was already in the Twinkie.

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