Chapter 20

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The next morning me and JJ went to help Pope out at his dad's store. Kie was working the cash register, Char was bagging the customer's items, Pope was handing people their orders. JJ was sitting on the counter, I was standing in between JJ's legs with my back to him as he tried to braid my hair.

"Don't let it get in your head. Three of them and two of us. That's typical Kook shit right there" JJ said. "Hell yeah" I said agree with JJ. "What was your thought process, with using your head" JJ asked, still trying to braid my hair which he was failing at. "I don't know, man. I just kind of acted off instinct. I was a cornered animal"Pope answered. " Pope I don't think your an animal "Char said laughing.

"Hey, Pope, someone here to see you" Pope's dad said walking in with Shoupe the police officer. "Evening, officer" Pope said nervously. "I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property" Shoupe said handing Pope's dad a piece of paper.

"What" Pope's dad asked. Pope looked over at me and JJ, he had fear written all over his face. JJ's was now standing beside me we both had fear all over are faces. "Hands where I can see em. Young lady's, step out of my way" Shoupe said walking passed Char and kie.

"Whoa. Shoupe, what'd he do" Heyward asked. "Look at the warrant" Shoupe answered. "You're arresting him" Kie said. "You're just arresting my boy" Heyward said in a serious voice. "Be careful" Kie yelled at Shoupe as as he stood behind Pope. "Don't hurt him" Char said. "Shoupe, are you listening" Heyward asked. "Anything you say can and will be held against you in the Cort of law. You have the right to an attorney" Shoupe said placing hand cuffs on Pope.

"How much did they pay you, man" JJ asked, getting worked up. "You can't do this" I yelled as we follow Shoupe and Pope outside. "It wasn't him" JJ yelled. "JJ" I said looking up at him. "It's going to be okay, baby girl" JJ whispered to me. "It was me. He tried to talk me out of it, but I was mad because him and girlfriend had just been beaten up. I was so sick of those assholes from Figure Eight that I lost my shit. I can't let you take the blame for somethin I did. You've got too much to lose" JJ said. Tears started running down my cheeks as I stood next to Char and Kie.

"JJ, what are you doing" Pope asked. "I'm tellin the truth. For once in my goddamn life, I'm gonna tell the truth. I took his old man's boat, too" JJ said. "What the hell" Hayward asked. "JJ, come on" Pope said trying to shut JJ up.

"Just shut up, Pope! Just shut up. He's a good kid. You know where I'm from" JJ said. "Yeah" Shoupe answered. "This was all me" JJ said. "That's the whole truth" Shoupe asked Pope. "Whole truth, swear to God" JJ said. "I know what you think, damn it, I'm asking Pope" Shoupe snapped.

"Yeah, that about covers it" Pope said looking down at his feet. As Shoupe took the hand cuffs off Pope I ran to JJ. I wrapped my arms around JJ and buried my head into his chest and wrapped his arms around me. "JJ, please don't go" I begged as tears ran down my cheeks. "I have to. I love you Stephanie" JJ said. "I love you more JJ" I said then he kissed me passionately.

"All right time to go" Shoupe said unwrapping JJ's arms from around me then put the handcuffs on JJ. Shoupe put JJ in the back of the police car and drove away. I started to cry harder, Char tried to hug me but I pushed her away and ran to the chateau.

I stayed at the the chateau and cried for at least an hour. I decided to change clothes but I had no clean clothes, great now I have to go home, at least my dad is not supposed to be home. I walked to my house, I slowly opened the door. Thank god my dad is not home, I walked to my room and filled my backpack up with my clothes.

As I walked out of my room, I saw my dad in the living room looking straight at me. "Where the hell have you been" my dad asked. "I've been staying at JohnB's" I said nervously. My dad scuffed at me, I started to walk towards the door. "Where the hell do you think your going" my dad said grabbing my wrist. "I'm going to JohnB's" I said pulling my wrist out of his hand and started to walk away. He clenched his jaw before he grabbed my arm and turned me to face him, he pulled his other arm back then punched me in the face.

I hit the ground then he stood over me and punched me repeatedly. "Your worthless you know that. You will never be a good enough daughter for me. You ruined my life. You are a mistake. I wish you were never born" he yelled each time he hit me.

I finally managed to push him off me and i tried to run, but he caught me. He grabbed a knife and tried to cut my throat but I moved causing him to cut a long strip on my lefted cheek. I pushed him to the ground, I grabbed my backpack an ran in the dark all the way to the chateau. When I got there I threw my bag on me and JJ's pull out couch. I picked up one of JJ's vapes and a six pack of beer and walked onto the porch and sat on the couch and smoked and drank.

After spending a couple hours in jail then my dad beat the hell out of me and I got jumped at midsummers, I had a rough day and I need my girlfriend. I talked JohnB into stopping by the chateau to see if she was there before we go to the hawk's nest. We get to the chateau and we hear music.

Then I realized I know the song it's Talk You Down by Charlotte Lawrence. "Oh, shit" I said. "What" they all said in sync. "She only listens to that song when she has a run in with her dad" I said getting out of the Twinkie, they all followed me.

When I get on the porch, I see her with one of my vapes in one hand in the other a beer, I see two empty beer cans already on the floor. Then I looked at her face it's covered in blood but I can't tell if it's hers or her dad's. "Baby girl" I said softly. She looked at me, I saw tears running down her cheeks, then I see this long cut with blood running out of it.

"JJ" she said her voice breaking, she dropped the beer to the floor. I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her, she buried her head into the crook of my neck. The rest of our friends went back to the Twinkie to let us be alone.

As she cries into my neck her body shakes violently. After a few minutes I finally able was able to calm her down. "Baby, what happened" I asked as I wipped the blood off her face. "My dad. He hit me and told me how I ruined his life, how I'm worthless and I'm not a good enough for him, and he wished I was never born. Then he tried to slit my throat but I moved and he cut my face" Steph said in a broken voice.

"He can't hurt you anymore,I promise to keep you safe. You can't ruin my life, your not worthless, your enough for me, for are friends, and I'm glad you were born. And I love you more than anyone or anything" I tell her. "Baby, were back in the G game and we are going to the hawk's nest to get a map from Sarah Cameron" I said softly. "Can I come with you" she asked. "Yes come on" I said then gently pulled he up.

"I love you, baby girl" I said. "I love you too Jay" she said then I learned down and kissed her passionately. We walk to the Twinkie, I sat on the back seat, Steph sat on my lap I wrapped my arms around her waist as she buried her head into the crook of my neck. No one asked if she was okay because they knew of they did she would start crying again so they stayed quiet. The whole way to the hawk's nest I slowly rubbed her back, kissed her cheek and whispered to her how much she means to me.

Yours till the end/JJ Maybank storyWhere stories live. Discover now