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Everyone cheered of excitement, princess Aztria had just been born. She Born in a very powerful kingdom, Aztrez. Her father was the king of all kingdoms, A kingdom where happiness, love and generosity was. Or so everyone thought until one day.

Welcome to Aztrias life, filled with many roller coasters of emotions, secrets, magic, etc. This is her story...

"Look at her, she's walking!" "Her first steps!" "how cute!" "so adorable" "She's so beautiful"

"Everyone please back away, she needs some space" asked Aztria's mother. "Of course my queen, we're sorry for our actions" the workers replied. "No worries! Just give her some space to walk" The queen replied.

It was Aztria's 2nd birthday. One of the worst birthdays in her life. And the day EVERYTHING changed.

"Okay everyone it's time to start the party!" The king yelled of excitement. "WHERE IS SHE?!?" The queen yelled. "Honey, what is all this yelling for? the king replied trying to calm his wife down. "AZTRIA! SHES GONE!" The queen cried. Everyone panicked. "GUARDS! CLOSE THE GATES! FIND MY DAUGHTER PLEASE!" the king yelled. The queen cried hard, she screamed, she panicked. Her daughter, her everything, she lost her one and only happiness.

"THERE!" The guards yelled. "It's a woman! she's kidnapped the princess!" The guards yelled again. "Get her!" the captain yelled.

The woman grabbed her horse and took off, the guards chased after her. "WATCH OUT!" one of the guards yelled. "SHE HAS POTIONS!" the captain yelled. Aztria cried, that was the last day she's ever seen her castle, her one and only home and family.



Aztria's POV:

"I can't wait for today! I'm finally 16"

"I'm so excited to see him, to see Marcus." Marcus was one of my biggest crushes. He was so handsome, he was hot, athletic, he had so many attractive friends and even shocking, he was a real prince.

I go to a school with rich school with many royals and very rich people. I don't have a lot of money but i'm really smart, i only got accepted because i got a scholarship there for being one of the most smartest kid in my old school at my old village. I was so grateful to be accepted here.

My mother, Juli wasn't very rich but she could afford things for me and i was grateful for anything she could do for me. She told me i lost my father many years ago before i was even born. I really wished ive met him.

"NABELA! HURRY UP YOU NEED TO GO" yelled my mother. "COMING MOTHER!" i yelled back. "let's do this" i stared at myself in the mirror with confidence.

(Juli, the kidnapper decided to give Aztria a fake name, Nabela. She decided raise her after finding out Aztria had a shocking secret. A secret nobody would believe.)

Aztria was a very gorgeous girl. Majority girls at her school were jealous of her but they just hated admitting it. Aztria had long curly black hair. She had the most beautiful green eyes. She had a perfect face, beautiful body. She was a true royal beauty. Although she was very unpopular for being the poorest in her school.
She would get picked on by the popular mean royals.



"Happy birthday Nabela!"  yelled Monica. Monica was my only friend. She was a royal but she wasn't as powerful as the royals from the kingdom  Aztrez. I heard about their lost daughter, i felt bad for the queen after she got in a deep depression. 10 years after her she lost her daughter. She didn't wanna give up on her and tried everything to find her. 1 year later after still not giving up. She gave birth to another beautiful girl.Long precious black hair, Light green eyes and a beautiful baby face.

The queen of Aztrez would visit our school  once every 3 years, just to see the kids, it would remind her of her lost daughter, Aztria. She still has hope, her and the king don't wanna give up. They're still upset but they've made their castle rules more strict after losing their first daughter. Princess Aztria of Aztrez.

"I heard the queen of Aztrez is coming to the Polo game today. It's your first year seeing her right ?" Asked Monica. "Yeah i'm so excited to see her, but i'm more exited to see Marcus." Said Aztria. "ugh of course you are, you're literally his number one fan Nabela." said Monica. "It's not my fault he's so fucking fine!" yelled Aztria.

"LANGUAGE!" yelled a teacher from the hall. "OOPS!" yelled Aztria. "OMG HERE HE COMES" Aztria hold Monica's arm hard. She watched him pass by, he was tall, blonde, and super attractive. Then his friends passed by, Tanner, Matthew, William and lastly Zion. They were the schools most popular and hottest boys. They were all athletic, I would  always attend their Polo games. Of course our school would always win because of Zion and Marcus.

Zions kingdom was the seconds most powerful kingdom, kingdom aztrez was always on top. They were the kindest kingdom and so was Zions kingdom, Soliz. I live there, the kingdom is very nice and the queen and king are absolutely kind and caring for their people.

"Hey cutie, good luck on your game of Polo today" Said Scarlett with a 'sexy' voice. Scarletts kingdom was the 5th most powerful kingdom. Her parents weren't really nice but they didn't really care about it. Scarlett was always picking on kids who weren't as powerful as her kingdom. She was the most popular girl in campus but i honestly didn't care. She was a bully, she was rude and she would always call her parents if the principal of the school would tell her anything about her grades. She was stupid. Like really fucking stupid.

"Sup Scarlett, you gonna attend my game?" asked Marcus. Ahh Marcus,  the hottest and sexiest man in the campus. His kingdom was the 3rd most powerful kingdom. His father hated "poor" people. He would only let the rich live in his village. He didn't like "rats" in his territory. His mother was the sweetheart tho. She hated her husbands actions, but she loved him deeply.

Ever since i moved to the school. Marcus has been my crush for so long. He's just so dreamy but he would never notice me because i'm one of the "poor" . His father has always told him to ignore the poor and focus on the rich. His father wanted him to marry the princess of Aztrez just for power but he lost hope after she was kidnapped. He focused on Scarlett instead, she had a perfect body, short pale hair. And she was actually pretty. I was very insecure when i would look at her. She had everything i wanted.

"Of course i am, do you expect me to miss it??" she kissed him on the cheek. "Damn babe, that was hot" Marcus replied by kissing her on the lips. "Stupid cunt" i murmured. I walked away with my books, i hated my life.


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