CHAPTER 19: Speak

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Aztria sat down to eat breakfast with the queen. She didn't know why the queen was treating her like this.

She knew the queen was sweet but didn't expect all of this.

"What happened last night?" Aztria asked.

"A lot" the queen and Zion laughed.

"like what..?" Aztria whispered.

"You fell asleep while i was taking you to Aztrez, you're a very light sleeper" Zion replied.

"oh.." Aztria blushed.

"Yeah you fell asleep and Zion took you here and i gave you a guest room to sleep in but that doesn't matter right now. How are you feeling?" the queen asked.

"I'm okay, thank you so much for letting me stay here your majesty" Aztria thanked Yesi.

"Of course my dear, now let's eat. Salvatore and Seprah will be coming down stairs in about 2 minutes. Let's get the good stuff before Salvatore eats it." the queen laughed.

Aztria felt like she was in a big happy family. All she had was her mother but she's gone now.

"Again, thank you so much for everything" Aztria smiled at the queen.

The queens eyes sparkled. Aztrias eyes reminded her of her lost daughter. Her smile was so warm. The queen absolutely loved Aztria like a daughter.

"Nabela, you are always welcomed here" the queen replied with a warm smile.

"I see we have guests" the king walked in with the princess Seprah on his shoulders.

"Yes, this is Nabela, you saw her last night" the queen replied.

"Oh yeah wasnt she snoring loudly?" the king laughed.

"Wait i was snoring?" Aztria blushed.

"No Nabela, he just likes to prank people" the queen rolled her eyes.

Aztria, Zion and the Aztrez family are breakfast and had many laughs. Aztria wished she had a big family, she's always wanted a sibling and a father.


After being dismissed by the queen i walked to the guest room to pick up some belongings i had left there last night.


I looked behind me to see Zion standing there.

"What is it?" i asked. "Can we talk?" he replied.

"Not now, i need to get home before another snow storm hits" I replied back. "Please Nabela, when are you not busy?" he asked again.

"I'm always busy" I replied back.

I wasn't lying, i actually was busy but i was not gonna skip a day of tutoring just to talk to him and listen to his excuses. He had to leave me alone, he was already engaged to Derya.

I hated that witch so much for ruining my chance with Zion. Although i knew we weren't gonna last. I still wanted to make him the happiest while i was with him.

I've thought about his birthday gift, i was going to make him food and take him to a dinner on a special spot my mother would always take me. But that was now ruined.

The place was filled with so many beautiful things, flowers, a water fall, beautiful trees, and so many more.

I was going to make his favorite dessert, a tres leches cake and chocolate dipped strawberries. I planned everything, a good sunny day where the snow would stop and fresh wind.

I had so many plans for me and him but all it took was one stupid princess.

"When you are ready to talk, please just let me know." Zion handed me a paper and walked out of the room.

"what?" i asked.

he was already gone, i opened the note and it seemed to be a invitation to his coronation with another note saying.

"Dear Nabela, I was forced into this marriage. Not by my parents but by Derya. She threatened to ruined something i was working on for you and threatened to hurt you. I just wanted the very best for you and wanted to keep you safe. Derya has hurt a lot of people because they didn't do what she asked for. I didn't want her to hurt you next. I promise i'll find a way out of this and then we could reunite again. Nabela, if there was one girl i could marry, it would be you. I love you. -Zion Deleon"

Those words broke my heart. I loved Zion and i hoped we could reunite as well but there's always that one person who tries to ruin your happiness.


I hope she reads the letter. I want her to know the truth. There was nothing i could do, Derya is very fucking scary. She will do anything to marry me or sleep with me.

Although i did sleep with her years ago. I always act like nothing happened between us.

My coronation was now 5 months away. I didn't care about my birthday. There was nothing planned for me anyways.

I had to focus more on finding information about Nabela. I already know she was the princess and i think queen Yesi knows too but she doesn't like to jump into conclusions.

I wish i could've told my father and mother i was with Aztria, none of this would've happened.

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