CHAPTER 6: Her?!

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Hi everyone, this is still Julis backstory.

Juli - The kidnapper
Yesi - Aztrias mother
Salvatore - Aztrias father

Enjoy and thank you so much for the support.


Juli missed days at school. School turned into weeks, then months.

She felt like a whore, she felt stupid for falling into Salvatores trap. She loved him deeply, she wanted to spend her life with him.

Juli decided to go to school the next day. She didn't care anymore. When she arrived to her class. Everyone started at her like it was the first time they've seen her in years.

"Hi, i'm sorry but that's my seat" said a girl with a sweet voice. "Who are you?" Juli asked.
"My name is Yesimer, Yesimer Del Castillo.
You can just call me Yesi for short." Yesi replied back.

"No bitch get lost, this is my seat from the begging and till the end" Juli snapped. "Oh..okay you can keep it, i'll just move here then" Yesi replied back.

Princess Yesi didn't want any problems with anyone. This was her second day at Royal High. The teacher had given her that seat yesterday but she forgot it was Julis.

Juli then spotted Salvatore. Of course, he was happy while she cried to herself every night for what he did. She started at him while he walked across the hall.

Salvatore looked at her back but looked away as fast as he could. "Son of a BITCH!" Juli yelled in her classroom when he passed by. Salvatore and his friends started to laugh.

Juli then realized what he did. Of course he told his friends. Juli wanted to go home but she new she couldn't. Her parents made her go to school today. They didn't know what happened that night, few months ago.

They didn't care either. Juli never had any siblings or love. Her parents were always busy. She was raised by nanny's, she never got to have a talk with her family.

Juli then broke down and ran to the bathroom. Yesi looked at her and yelled at her if she was okay. "Just leave me alone, please" Juli begged.

"I should just keep my distance" Yesi mumbled.




It was Senior year. These last 2 years i've realized i couldn't get over him. I was too in love with Salvatore. Little did i know this year was gonna be filled with competition and jealousy.

When i walked to the school. I saw Salvatore talking to the Yesi girl i met in freshman year. They seemed like really close friends. Of course i was pissed. That stupid little bitch decides to come to this school and steal Salvatore from me.

I was filled with anger and sadness. I knew there was nothing i could do. Salvatore obviously hated me ever since that night in freshman year. I hated that night but loved it too. _______________________________

There was gonna be a polo game today. Obviously i wanted to go just for Salvatore. I decided to wear something sexy to let him know what he missed.

When i got there, I saw Yesi at the VIP center. Of course she had acces to it. She was top 4 , she was more powerful than me. She was beautiful too, she changed a lot from freshman year. She had long black hair, green eyes, and a gorgeous body.

Her hips swang everytime she walked somewhere. Her walking was also shocking, she walked like she ruled the world. I was jealous of her. She had everything, everything that was supposed to be mine.

As the game started, i saw Salvatore play. Gosh he could do anything. That man was just perfect for anything. He did so many tricks and scored so many points. Of course, Yesimer, liked him too.

When the game was over, everyone suddenly stopped when Salvatore grabbed the directors mic. "Everyone wait!" He yelled. "I wanted to make an announcement before everyone leaves" He yelled again.

I looked at him, was he gonna say something for me? does he love me? is this message for me? I questioned myself.

"Yesimer, you've made me the happiest man these last 2 years. I know our relationship started at the end of freshman year but i realized you weren't like other girls. You are smart, you are kind, you are just perfect for anything and i love you for that. That's why i ask you here, infront of everyone." He yelled again. "Yesimer Del Castillo, will you marry me and be my queen, the queen of Aztrez" he yelled again.

Yesi couldn't speak, she cried and yelled back. "YES ILL MARRY YOU SALVATORE" She cried.

I was in shock. I was mad. I was pissed. I wanted to cry. I wanted to kill her. What did she have that i didn't ?

I quickly left the stadium. I realized i wasn't good enough for this school or for anyone so i decided to leave the village for good.


Salvatore and Yesimer got married in summer. Yesi then realized she was pregnant with a baby girl. Her life was so perfect so i decided to ruin it since i didn't have hers.

All these years of being gone i learned how to make potions. I made a plan on how to ruin both of their lives.


Today is the day, the day where i will change this stupid man stealers baby. I've been planning it for a year now and i made a plan b just in case. That baby will be mine and i will ruin theirs.

As soon as the babys nanny's left her room. I took this as a chance and broke the window down. I snatched the baby and jumped back down. Of course i was careful with the baby.

"Ugh this piece of shit" I yelled. The baby started crying so i ran faster to my horse.

I soon heard the gates close so i rushed to my horse and took off. I heard guards after me so i threw a smoke potion.

I ran as fast as i could with the horse and the baby. Wow, she was a beauty just like Yesi and Salvatore. After some time of hiding i realized if i did the right thing..

I couldn't turn back now, this was now my child and i will raise her the way my parents should've raised me. I ran away from home and it took me so long to change my identity.

"You are now mine Nabela, your name is not Aztria anymore. It's nabela and you are my daughter. I will give you everything i can and love you" I said while carrying the baby of the man i loved and the woman i envy.

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