CHAPTER 16: Heard

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"You did...?" Aztria asked.

"I think so" the queen replied.

"But then again, there's a lot of julis in the kingdoms right?" she laughed.

"Yeah" Aztria laughed again.

The night went by fast, Aztria had told the queen what happened. The queen wanted to help Aztria.

She also told her that Zions parents wouldn't be forcing him into an arranged marriage if he didn't want one. She knew Zions mother a lot, she knew she wasn't like that.

Aztria still didn't know but she wanted some time.

The queen had offered Aztria a job in the village. She knew Aztria was too young fo be living alone so she decided to buy her a small house and pay her bills till she was 18.

Aztria was very happy and thankful for the queens help. Aztria had told the queen what she wanted to be when she was older.

Aztria wanted to learn medicine, she was studying the different types of herbs there was in kingdom and outside.

A few months went by, Aztria found out Zion and Dreya were actually getting married. Their wedding was one month after Zions coronation.

It was hard for Aztria, she looked at the news paper, she noticed Zion wasn't happy. His face was upset in the picture meanwhile Deryas face was filled with joy.

They had captioned the picture, "PRINCE ZION AND PRINCESS DERYA SECRETLY ENGAGED?" Aztria hated Zion for not telling everyone about them and their relationship.

Aztria hated Zion after those news papers. She felt stupid. She would constantly ask herself stupid questions.

"Why am i not good enough?" "Is it because i'm not a royal?" "Why did i even give him a chance?"


Derya was a bad luck charm. I was furious with my father for never telling me Derya was coming.

I lost the love of my life, she was no where to be found. I searched everywhere in my kingdom.

I asked every kingdom to please help me find her, all of them agreed but Scarletts. Of course her parents didn't care about some random girl.

Scarlett probably told them about the situation at my castle but i honestly didn't care. I know Nabela wasn't stupid to be living in Scarletts kingdom.

My coronation was soon and so was my birthday.

I wanted to spend my birthday with Nabela but she was gone. I also wanted her to dance with me in my Royal Coronation.

She was just everything i wanted. Derya was nothing but a gold digger.

I still couldn't find that note she took. I searched everywhere for it but no hope. Nobody would believe me without any proof.

Aztria stopped coming to school. I knew there was no point of calling her Nabela anymore. I already knew the truth. She was Yesimers daughter but i didn't know how to prove it to her. Nowadays, the queen Yesimer couldnt trust people.


Another month went by. Aztria didn't attend royal high anymore. She had the kingdoms best tutors to tutor her. All thanks to the queen, Aztria had everything she needed.

Aztria decided to go Zions kingdom. She was craving the crepes they served at a breakfast restaurant. It's one of the places her mother would take her almost every saturday.

Aztria put on a black cape with a hoodie and a brown dress. She didn't want to be recognized by anyone. She just wanted to enjoy some delicious crepes.

Aztria took the horse the queen gifted her. The queen decided to help Aztria not only because of what she was going through but because she thought of Aztria as her long lost daughter.

The queen and Aztria got well along. They had many things in common. The queen wanted to investigate a lot more about Aztria so, she set up an investigation and hired a private investigator.

Aztria took off on her beautiful brown horse. She was relieved that Zions kingdom and the queens Yesimers kingdom were close to each other.

The kingdoms gates were open till midnight, Aztria was free all day so she decided to visit her old house and her mother's grave.


I got to the kingdoms village, i searched for the breakfast restaurant. I looked everywhere and so many memories came back.

I finally found the restaurant and booked a spot on a seat near a window. From the window i could see the Zions beautiful castle.

"Hello ma'am, my name is Jasmine, what can i get you today?" She asked. "Can i get some milk and the strawberry crepes?" Aztria replied.

"Coming right up lovely lady" She smiled and walked away.

As i was looking through the window, i heard a familiar voice..

"Your majesty, welcome to our restaurant. What can we can you today?"

"Hello sir, can i please get normal waffles?" I looked at the seat infront of me. It was Zion, Zion was here.

What could he be doing here? Why here? Why now?

"Miss are you okay?"

I quickly looked at the waiter. "Yes ma'am i'm fine" I quickly replied.

I saw Zion looking outside from the window he was sitting next to. I honestly missed him so much but also hated him for never telling anyone about us.

When i was done eating i quickly grabbed my trash and went to throw it away. As i was throwing away my trash, i dropped something but didn't even see it.

I walked on it and..

I fell.


As Aztria was throwing away her trash, she slipped on a strawberry she didn't eat.

Zion then rushed to help her, he didn't know who it was but he just wanted to make sure she was okay.

"Ma'am, are alrigh-" he stopped. "Nabela..?" he asked.

Aztria then pushed Zion away and ran outside. Zion chased after Nabela and grabbed her wrist.

"Nabela please, just listen to me" He said.

"I don't need to hear your excuses Zion, It's your fault for not telling your parents we were together. For not telling the people in general. I hate you Zion, just stay away from me and go marry your royal princess" Aztria screamed.

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