CHAPTER 14: New?

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The night when on quick, I couldn't believe i was with a royal prince. I loved him so much, he was so perfect, he was respectful, generous, lovely and lastly so fucking gorgeous.

That night was one night to remember. I loved Zion so much, i wish i was a royal so i could be good enough for him.

"NABELA WAKE UP, THEY ARRIVED" The head chef came to my room and yelled at me.

"Who's coming?" i mumbled? "THE ROYALS FROM EDRIZ " He yelled back. "WE NEED TO GET THE FOOD READY" He yelled again.

I quickly got up, i thought to myself, Who are these royals ?

I quickly changed into my cooking outfit. I ran downstairs to the kitchen but i spotted Zion and this girl. They were talking about something but i couldn't hear.

I then saw her being touchy with him, he looked uncomfortable. Who was this girl? What was she doing with Zion?

Zion then saw me, he quickly ran up to me.

"Nabela, i want you to meet Derya, princess Derya from Edriz. She just got here, she's top 4 of the royals" He said.

I looked at Derya, she looked so beautiful. She had short brown hair, hazel eyes and a gorgeous face.

I quickly realized, Zion will probably leave me for her.

Derya looked at me with a disgusting face. Zion tried to introduce me to her but she walked away.

"I'm really sorry Nabela, I didn't know she was coming today, my father just told me she will be staying here untill my coronation" Zion looked at me with an upset face.

"It's okay don't worry, i gotta go now. I have to get to work" I replied. I tried to hide my red eyes, i knew for a fact Zion would be leaving me for this new princess.

I quickly walked away, i wanted to forget about the nights we had. I wish my mother was still alive...

Today was a busy day, we had to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner. Dinner was main important thing today. We had to serve lobster with salad.

I was tried already, i was also in charge of buying the lobster from this very expensive shop. The worst part was, i had to walk all the way there.

Could my day get any worse?


Today was an awful day, i didn't want Nabela thinking i would leave her for this stuck up stupid princess.

Derya has always liked me when we were 10. She's been so obsessed with me, worst part was when we were 15 i finally gave her chance but that didn't go well. She was the same person i lost my virginity to.

She would use that as a flex of course. I knew she only wanted me for money and power and looks.

She was a bitch to every girl i would talk to. I was angry at my father for not telling me she would arrive. Worst part was that she was gonna stay here until my coronation and attend the same school i go to.

I absolutely hated Derya but i had to talk to her since well, my parents wanted me to a nice man. I only talked to her when my parents were around. If not, i would just ignore her and move somewhere else.

Derya was nothing but a spoiled brat. She's made her parents buy her cars, helicopters and mansions she wouldn't even use. The word 'no' didn't exist to her.

Shes not even smart either, her parents have tried hiring the best tutors in the world for her but they all quit because she would insult them for being 'poor'.

I'm not even gonna lie, she's really pretty but not as beautiful or gorgeous as my lady, Nabela.

My coronation was in 10 months now, I was almost done with my royal duties but i still had Nabelas investigation going on. I was very convinced she was the princess.

I still didn't have time to read the note her mother wrote. I was planning on doing that today after dinner and then taking Nabela to see her mother's grave again.

Let's hope today goes well.


Dinner time was almost close. Aztria had already set the table. Today her main job was serving the royal families.

She was nervous, how would Derya react if she found out Aztria and Zion we're together. Zion didn't tell his parents. He wanted to keep it a secret until it was a good time to do so.

Dinner time was here, Aztria panicked but she took deep breaths and walked in the room. She first served the drinks and some appetizers.

"Um lady this isn't what i wanted. I wanted tea, are you trying to call me fat?" Derya said in a dramatic voice. "Ma'am, you asked for water.." Aztria replied.

"Excuse me?" Derya snapped. "Hey, she got it confused. Stop being dramatic about a silly drink" Zion snapped back.

"I agree, it was a mistake dear. Our loyal worker, Nabela is a angel. I'm sure she can give you the drink you wanted" Zions mother replied.

Derya rolled her eyes. "My apologies miss, i'll get your tea you ordered" Aztria panicked. Zion looked at his mother in a thank you face.

Zions mother already knew he liked Aztria. She knows her son a little too much and well, she overheard him talking to Trey about her.

When Aztria got to the kitchen, she started at the food. She had so much food to carry but of course the main chef was gonna assist her.

When it was time for the main dish, Aztria quickly got ready and took many deep breaths.

She was almost there until she heard someone say, "So we were thinking about getting our lovely daughter, Derya and your son, Zion in a arranged marriage"

"WHAT?!" Zion yelled.


Aztria made eye contact with Zion.

"You stupid girl, you're so clumsy you dropped my food. Why were you even hired here? just get back to where you came from" Derya yelled.

Aztrias eyes laid on Zions parents. She then looked at Deryas confused parents.

Zion tried chasing after Aztria but his father pulled him. Zion tried pushing his father but it was no hope.

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