CHAPTER 3: Night

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Aztrias POV:

"Hey mom, i'm home" I yelled.

"Welcome home Nabela, how was school?" mom replied.

"Horrible, today is the worst birthday i've ever had in my life" I replied. Mom froze, she stared at me. She looked at me deep in the eyes.

"Mom are you okay?" i asked. "Yeah, yeah just uh, i made your favorite food" she said.

"Yummy, i'll eat when i'm done changing. I got invited to a polo game after school" i said. "How cool, who invited you?" she asked

"Prince Zion" She choked on her water. "MOM!" i ran up to her and tapped on her back several times. "Mom are you sure you're okay?!" I yelled. "I'm okay dear" she replied.

"Do you want me to stay and look after you?" i asked. "No you don't have to, go attend that game" she replied.

I quickly helped her go to her room. I wanted to stay and take care of her but she insisted.

When i was done eating i quickly put on one of my favorite dresses. I saw myself in the old dirty mirror i had. "Is this really me?" i asked.

"Yeah it is.."



Aztria yelled.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?" She yelled even harder.

"Chill out, i won't do anything. Plus, the game doesn't start in an hour." said Zion. "You're so creepy!" i yelled.

"Nabela, you do realize you can't enter the polo game without a ticket right ?" he asked.

"There's tickets ?! i thought it was free" Aztria yelled.

"No. They're quite expensive..6,500 dollars.." He replied. "Oh.." Aztria mumbled. "So you sneaked into my house just to tell me that?" Aztria asked. "Actually i was looking at your room and saw your 'notes' which appears to be your diary. You got a quite obsession with Marcus..?" he mumbled.

"Zion. If you tell anyone. I will.." I threatened him. "You'll what?" he laughed. "Don't worry Nabela, i won't tell him." he laughed again.

"Ugh you're such a creep, now get out so i can change comfortably" I yelled.

"Yes ma'am" He bowed and left the room.


She was a beauty. I know she was insecure but, she was so perfect. How could no one like her. She's everything a man could want. Beautiful, smart, lovable, kind, generous, perfect. She's just perfect. That dark blue dress she had on looked so good on her. She had beautiful curves. Green eyes, Long black curly hair. She's just too perfect to be picked on. She would always wear baggy clothes to school. Not fancy not bad, just basic. I couldn't do anything for her although, she lived in my kingdom. It gives me a bigger chance to get to know her.


What was he even doing in here?! What did he see?! Is he gonna tell Marcus?! I panicked. Zion was actually more attractive than Marcus but i didn't lay eyes on him. I liked Marcus so much but when i saw Zion with his Polo outfit...My eyes widen but i snapped out of it. He's probably trolling me since he's friends with scarlett. They're probably just planning something. That won't stop me from coming to a free game tho.


Zion held his arm out like the gentlemen he was. "My lady" He led Aztria to his limo. He opened the door for her. Ever since Aztria moved schools. Zion laid his eyes on her, She was perfect to him. He truly liked her and would do anything for a chance. Aztria didn't really know Zion. She just lived in his kingdom. The villages houses were beautiful. His castle was even more beautiful.

"We're here" said the driver. Zion got up from his seat. He then shut the door on Aztrias face and opened the door again. "My lady" He said. "Stop doing's so..corny" aztria replied.
Zion laughed. "What?!? Is there something in my hair?! what happened?!" Aztria panicked. "Nothing, it's just funny seeing your reaction" he replied.

"I fucking hate you" Aztria replied. "Cmon let me show you where you'll be seated" Zion led Aztria to the VIP section. Only Top 5 could be seated at VIP. "Sit here next to my parents" he said. "Mama Papa, ella es Nabela" (mom dad, this is Nabela) He spoke in spanish. "You can speak english hijo" His father replied.

Aztria Panicked, she got up and bowed. Zions father laughed. "Sit down, it's okay" he said. "I'm so sorry" Aztria replied. "Ok mama ya me tengo que ir" (okay mom i gotta go) said Zion.

"Good luck honey, i love you" His mother replied.

After Zion left, Aztria felt awkward. She didn't know what to say until his parents started to ask her questions.

"Wow, you are very beautiful Nabela. You look so familiar too. Have we met?" Zions mother asked. "I actually live in your kingdom" She spoke lightly. "Yeah i knew that but you look like someone i know" She replied.

"'am i don't think so" She replied. "Maybe i'm just over thinking but, how did you meet my son?" She asked. "Actually, i didn't really talk to your son, he just asked me to come to his game because his friend, Princess Scarlett was picking on me." Aztria replied.

"Scarlett? You mean the Scarlett Scott's? the spoiled princess?" His father asked.

"Uh yeah her" Aztria replied.

"She picks on you? Why? Did you do something to her?" Zions mother asked.

"No. I don't pick on people. She just picks on me because i'm not rich nor a royal. I got accepted in that royal high because i had top grades at my old school." Aztria replied.

"Wow, we're sorry she's doing that. Are you not from any of these kingdoms ?" the queen asked.

"No ma'am, i lived very far away and it took a lot of convincing to ask my mom to please move here, she said she heard of the kidnapping of princess Aztria. She said she didn't want anything to happen to me so she moved to her old far away village." Aztria replied.

"Yes, they did indeed took my sweet baby Aztria" someone replied..

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