CHAPTER 29: The Choice

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After the news Aztria had been given. The same night she returned home. She was keeping the baby. She wanted to raise it even if Zion didn't want her anymore.

Aztria was heading to the castle. She had decided to keep the baby and tell the doctor what she would have to do to be healthy and keep it safe.

When she arrived, she saw the queen talking to the doctor.

"Nabela, welcome, have you decided on what to do?" the queen asked.

Aztria didn't know how the queen knew. She panicked, she didn't want the queen to tell Zion.

"Yes, but can we please keep this private..?" Aztria asked.

"Of course, let's head to the talking room" She replied.

When the three of them got there, they all sat in a one person sofa.

"Would any of you like a drink..?" the queen asked.

"No thanks" Aztria and the Doctor replied.

"So, what's your choice Nabela..?" the doctor asked.

"I want to keep it. I know who the father is and that's what i'm gonna talk about with the queen privately but i want to keep it. I'm not sure what the father will think about it but i don't care. I don't want to kill this baby so i'll raise it even if i have to leave the kingdom." Aztria replied.

The doctor nodded.

"Any choice you make we'll support it. Now if you excuse me, i have to go attend some other people in the castle" the doctor then got up and left.

"Nabela.." the queen asked.

"Is the father...Zion..?" she asked again.

Aztria then had tears coming out of her eye. The queen looked at Nabela and hugged her.

"I don't know what to do, he's gonna hate me but i don't want to lose the baby" Aztria cried.

"Honey, Zion will be shocked at first because you're both not married and it's gonna cause some problems but i'm sure if you're strong enough you can handle them. Maybe you should tell him and then decide what you both want and make a solution. Zion will love you either way dear. He's not a bad person, i'm sure he'll help you raise the baby" she gave Aztria a kiss on the forehead.

"Nabela i love you so much like a daughter, i'm so happy i met you" The queen gave Aztria a big hug.

Aztria was sobbing, she was shocked.

It was a month after her and Zion had sex.

She decided to tell Zion on his coronation. Hopefully he would accept it and not get as mad.

It was now 3 weeks before Zions coronation. Many royals from other islands came. Coronations we're a big thing in royalty. Aztria was invited but she wasn't sure if she wanted to attend it anymore after the news she received.



Many royals came to my kingdom, some stayed here and some stayed at Aztrez or the other kingdoms. My coronation was a very important thing. I was becoming king and i now had a kingdom to take care of.

On the night of my coronation, i was thinking of asking Aztria to be my lady.

I was also gonna announce some very important news, the news of the truth.


I got even more sicker but thankfully i had medicine to help with the pain.

I was now two weeks pregnant. Of course my belly wasn't growing but i didn't want it to grow at all. I didn't want Zion to know but i had to tell him either way.

He was the father of my baby.

I cried every night, i thought Zion wouldn't want me anymore and he would return to Derya.

I hated Derya with a passion, i was also very scared of what she could do to me if she found out i was pregnant with Zions baby...


Another week went by.

Zions coronation was getting closer and closer each day. Aztria was scared to attend it but she wanted to, she wanted to make Zion happy.

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