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Hi everyone, quick heads up. This is Julis backstory and why she kidnapped princess Aztria.
Juli - The kidnapper
Yesi - Aztrias mother
Salvatore - Aztrias father

This part contains 18+ please skip if you do not like this type of topic. Thank you for reading "The Lost Aztrez" enjoy this chapter. Love you!

I recommend listening to this song while reading this chapter .


I loved him, i gave him everything i had. My virginity, my love, my support, i gave him everything that i could but..i was just not good enough like her...So if i can't have him. She cant have happiness...



I was crushing on the most hottest man in school. Even better, he was the most powerful prince in Aztrez. I was a richie, my parents worked for his, we were very good friends but i wanted to be more than friends.

Ugh i wanted him so bad, i wanted to feel his body on mine. I wanted to feel his lips on mine..on my body..i wanted him. I wanted to his and his only.

Aztrez was the most powerful kingdom, its been like that for years and years. They're know for having the best companies and best selling of things. But i didn't want his money..well..just some but i was in love with Salvatore.

He was just the finest man in the campus. We were both 15, This was our first year in highschool. I was only in because i was very very rich and well know..and well, i was hot myself.

I would always try everything to talk to him, he was just too beautiful for this world. Of course my parents knew i liked him but he didn't.

We would constantly be invited to his beautiful kingdom and castle. Of course he was the only reason the whole kingdom was beautiful.

Our schools dance was soon and i was planning on making the first move and ask him out to the dance. I doubt he would say yes but i just wanted to try.


When his practice was over, i walked over and closed my eyes. "Salvatore..?" i asked. "What's up Juli? you need anything? why are you closing your eyes?" he asked.

"Will you be my date to the royal dance..?" i asked quietly. "Oh wow uh, i've never had a girl come up to me and ask me that but..Yeah i'll go with you" He replied.

"REALLY?!" i yelled with excitement. "Yeah for sure" he said. "Ill pick you up on friday at 5:30 pm. Be ready and don't take too long" he looked at me up and down and smirked. "Yeah yeah totally" he winked.

I yelled inside my thought. He really said yes, and that smirk. Gosh he was such a fine ass boy. I thought this was our chance to be something real.

When school was over, i asked my driver to take me to the most expensive dress shop made by famous designers. I picked a rose gold dress, it was tight, my body looked flawless. I felt myself and my confidence was very high for this dance.


Friday was here, days went by so fast. It gave Juli so much confidence. She felt like time and the universe wanted her to be with with him forever.

When she was done, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was long, wavy, and it was light brown. Her dressed looked very gorgeous on her. She was a beautiful girl, she had boys on her but she only wanted Salvatore.

When Salvatore arrived , He took Julis hand and opened the limos door. She really believed they could actually have a chance. She stared at his beautiful green eyes. She admired Salvatore. She was in love with him, but that love had become an obsession...

When they arrived at the school, Salvatore opened her door and took out his hand. She took his hand and he lead her to the entrance.
When walking in, every girl gave her death stares. Obviously, Judi did not care. She loved the power she carried that night.


Juli spent her night drinking, partying, dancing, especially dancing on Salvatore. Of course, Salvatore loved it. She swang her hips, the way she danced turned Salvatore on. He wanted to kiss her, he wanted to feel her.


Salvatore then grabbed Judi by the hand , he took her to the schools bathroom. They were both very drunk. Judi was confused but she didn't care. She wanted to touch him, feel him, kiss him.

Salvatore pushed her in a stall. They both started at each other eyes. "FUCK IT!" Judi yelled. She then kissed Salvatore, Salvatore then grabbed her by the waist. They made out faster and faster till that led to clothes all over the floor.

Judi moaned, groaned, she yelled. She's always wanted this, she didn't expect him to be good at sex. Salvatore went faster, Judi groaned harder and harder. Her thoughts were all mixed in her mind. She was so tired but she loved Salvatore so she did anything for him.

Salvatore suddenly stoped, he groaned while putting his pants on. "I want more" Judi demanded.

"Salvatore where are you going?" Judi yelled. "For a drink, what else?" he replied back. "Put your clothes back on, you want them to see you naked in the boys bathroom?" he demanded.

Judi then realized the mistake she's done. He obviously didn't want her. He just wanted her for sex. Juli then grabbed her panties and ran out.

Salvatore started at her and felt bad, he didn't want Juli. He knew she just wanted him for sex and power. It was pretty obvious for him, tonight she got what she wanted right? Wrong.

Juli then called her limo to pick her up. She regretted everything. She made herself look like a whore infront of him. The man she thought she could be with forever. She broke down, she cried.

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