CHAPTER 31: Stumbled

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Another week went by, it was now 1 week before the coronation and Aztria was 4 weeks pregnant.

She didn't have a change on her body yet. The baby was still very very small.

The queen oftenly visited Aztria. She also showed her the dress she bought her.

Aztrias eyes widen.

It was a beautiful golden dress.

(this is what it looks like)

(this is what it looks like)

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Aztria loved it. She thanked the queen many and many times.

Time was going by so quickly.

Aztria couldn't believe so many things had happened this year. She never thought she'd fall in love with a prince. A beautiful, respectful, love able prince.


This was the last week of me being a prince. The next week i was gonna be king. I had a kingdom to take care of now.

I love my people, they're all kind and generous. My people are like my children. I will do anything to protect them from harm.

There was many festivals going on, my coronation was a huge thing to my kingdom.

There was food, games, and so much more.

Days and days passed.

4 days left until i become king. I couldn't believe it.


4 days until Zions coronation.

I was ordered to go to the castle the day before the coronation. I had all my things there, my dress, heels, everything.

The queen had set up a day for me to relax before the big day.

I was obviously scared and excited.

There was so many festivals going on in every kingdom. Billboards, news, so much!

I felt proud for Zion. He's such a kind man, i know he's gonna be a great king.



Today was the day.

I quickly got up and got my hair ready to head to the castle.

As i was changing i noticed the roses Zion brought me the last time he saw me.

They were still beautiful and alive, i was putting them in the sun every day. They were so special to me.

Anything Zion gave me was so heart warming.

I loved him so much, i never thought i'd love someone that deeply.

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