CHAPTER 17: Tulips

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"It's the best for both of us Zion. We're not meant for each other. I'm not even a royal or rich to provide your kingdom or make them happy. I wish we could've stayed as strangers" Aztria cried while she hopped on her horse.

"Nabela, you're good enough for me! I love you the way you are. I didn't want this marriage with this stupid princess but i had no choice. I did it to protect you..Aztria please'" Zion yelled at Aztria.

Aztria didn't listen, she made her horse run faster and faster untill she got home.

She wiped her tears and concentrated on the road. The words Zion had said kept repeating in her mind.

Zions Birthday was in 4 months, his coronation was in 6. Time was running out, Aztria was losing hope on Zion. She thought he didn't care about her anymore since he had Derya.

Aztria studied hard to become a herbalist. She wanted to know more about herbs and make medicine.

Queen Yesimer offered Aztria a job at the castle if she ever did become a herbalist.

Aztria didn't plan on going to Zions kingdom for anything but her mother's grave. Her mother was buried there and she wanted to visit her more often.

Zion was busy with interviews and plans on the wedding. His parents weren't sure if this was the right thing to do but they supported his choice.


Life was horrible. I had to deal with interviews and doing stupid plans for this wedding. Why did she even want this marriage in the first place.

She knew i didn't love her, why is she ruining my life? I already had the person i loved but she got taken away the next day.

These paparazzis were very fucking annoying, not as annoying as Derya tho. She would constantly try to make me sleep with her.

I didn't want anything with her, i didn't want her love, body or her in general. I fucking hated her for ruining my love life.

She threatened to hurt Aztria and burn the note if i didn't agree to this marriage. I wanted Aztria to be safe, those words she said today at the restaurant broke my heart.

I wanted her to be happy so i tried my best to not think of her as much. Instead i tried getting more evidence. I decided to stop by Aztrias old house and her mother's grave today with some new flowers.

I loved Aztria truly, i would often visit her mother's grave and place new flowers every week.

This week i decided to put tulips, the flowers i'd place would constantly die because of the snow but that didn't matter.

I would change them every week.

Today i decided to do Tulips, They come in a variety of colours that also have their own significance.

I thought of women when i bought tulips. I mainly thought about Aztria because she had her own significance and her own color, Red.

Red tulips symbolized true love. True love i had for her and her only.


As Zion got on his horse he realized it was really late and he didn't want Derya to know where he was heading.

He made his horse go quick to the graveyard to place the tulips.

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