CHAPTER 18: See You

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I was so relieved to see that we arrived to Aztrez. Aztria had already fallen asleep.

Her sleeping made the road even harder for me, i had to hold her tight or she would fall off.

She was a very light sleeper tho, she was also very cold.

When we arrived the guard was already there.

"Prince Zion? what are you doing here?" he asked.

I wrapped Aztria with my coat and told him, "I offered this beautiful girl a ride, would you show me the way to queen Yesimer?" i asked.

"Of course your majesty" he replied.

I was carrying Aztria, she looked so peaceful. I asked the guard if he could put my horse in the royal stables. He then agreed and i made my way in to the castles gate.

"Hello..?!" i yelled.

"Prince Zion? what are you doing here?"

"No time to explain, i need to get her to the queen" i replied.

"Of course" the servant replied.


Zion carried Aztria on her back. She was surprisingly light.

"Prince Zion..? What are you doing here this late, why is Nabela with you? Aren't you engaged?" the queen asked many questions but Zion just ignored them.

"Ma'am, I know you're confused but i just need to put her on a bed. She's already asleep" Zion replied.

"Where is her horse?" she asked. "She didn't have one when i saw her at my kingdom.

"This silly girl" the queen laughed. "Wait so did she walk all the way to your kingdom..?" she asked again.

"I believe so.." Zion replied.

"She must be so tired, please follow me" she replied back.

The queen led Zion to the guest room. "She'll be very warm in here, i'll go get some wood to start a quick fire" the queen tried leaving the room.

"Don't worry about that Miss Yesi, I'll do it" Zion quickly went to the kitchen to get some wood. He didn't care if Derya found out he was here.

He thought about the note again, he wanted to cancel the engagement but he didn't have any other proof of Nabela being Aztria. Nobody would believe him without proof.

He decided to talk to queen Yesi about it before his coronation. He wanted to ask her if Nabela had told her anything weird about her past.

Zion arrived with wood in Aztrias room. He set it up and lit it up with fire. He the heard a voice of a little girl.


"Seprah what are you doing here? it's so late you should be in bed." It was queens Yesi's younger daughter.

Seprah hid behind her mother, soon her husband walked in. King Salvatore.

"Woah what's going on here?" he asked.

"Prince Zion, what brings you here in the middle of the night?" he asked again.

"Her" he replied while looking at Aztria.

"Who's that dear?" he asked.

"Honey, that's Nabela, she's the young lovely girl i was telling you about, remember?" she replied.

"Oh her" he replied again.

"What's she doing here?" he asked.

"Long story but it doesn't matter, why is Seprah still up? I thought you were gonna put her in bed" Yesi asked.

"Oh honey she ran off, i tried chasing after her but she was too fast" He replied while grabbing Seprah.

"We'll be going now, goodnight everyone, and you girl i don't know" he smiled and walked out the door with Seprah on his hands.

"Sorry about that dear" the queen let out a small laugh. "Would you like to stay here untill morning? i heard there was gonna snow even more tonight. It's best if you stay here untill tomorrow." the queen offered Zion to stay here.

"Thank you so much Miss Yesi but i refuse, i really have to get home" he replied.

"I insist, please stay here for your safety" the queen replied back.

"Okay fine" he finally agreed.

The queen let Zion stay in another guest room. Aztria was deeply asleep.


I woke up in a room i didn't recognize.

It was morning, the sun was covered by the clouds. A lot more snow was coming in, it was September. The season of fall was starting soon.

"Ma'am, sorry to bother but the queen wants to see you" a servant came in. What queen is wanting to see me? Am i in trouble? What did i do.

"Oh. uh i'll be there in a second" i replied.

I quickly got changed into the clothes that were placed on the bed. It looked like a fancy dress but it's all i had.

Once i was done getting ready, the servant was outside waiting for me.

"This way" she led me to the dinner table.

"Oh dear you're awake, how are you feeling?" It was queen Yesimer and Zion. What was i doing here?

"Why am i here?" i asked. "Long story, how about we have some breakfast and then we can talk about last night" she said in a sweet voice.

"Thank you" i replied.

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