CHAPTER 12: This Night

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I looked at him.

I took this as my chance to do it.

I kissed him, our lips together, it's like we both wanted this.

He took me to his bed where he untied my bra. He then kissed my body gently, I wanted him. We made out until our clothes were on the floor.

He then asked me, "are you sure you wanna do this?" he asked. "I'm ready" i mumbled.


Aztria let out small screams. She moaned everytime he was inside her. She pleased for more every time.

Zion let out laughs and groans. He loved Aztria, he wanted to protect her and teach her what love was.

Aztria was planning on saving her virginity with someone special. She thought to herself, was he the one?

Zion went slowly, he knew Aztria was a virgin. He didn't want to hurt her. "Faster" Aztria yelled. The faster Zion went the more moans Aztria would let out.

"Holy shit Zion" Aztria yelled.

"I'm not even fully in yet" Zion laughed.

"What the fuck!" Aztria yelled.

Zion went faster and faster. Aztria let out so many moans and yelling.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "Obviously not you dumb fuck" Aztria laughed.

Zion then stopped.

"Nabela im sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you" Zion replied. "Why did you stop?" Nabela asked.

"Oh?" Zion smirked.

"Oh shit" Aztria mumbled.

Morning was finally here. It was snowing, shockingly it snowed during summer now. School was over but this was the first summer Aztria spent with someone special.

Zion had his arms wrapped on Aztrias waist while he laid next to her.

Last night he made sure she was okay. Obviously Zion was not a virgin although he hated the fact he didn't save his virginity for someone special like Aztria.

When they were done, Zion carried Aztria to the bath, he then brushed her hair and made sure she was clean before sleeping.

After giving her a bath, he dressed her up and carried her to bed. Aztria was really tired, she slept like an angel.

Zion quickly took a shower and changed. He thought he hurt Aztria tonight. He felt bad so he decided to take her out tomorrow for breakfast to show her how he truly feels for her.

Zion got up first, he took a shower and changed. He had some royal duties to attend before he took Aztria out for breakfast.

Aztria woke up, she was tired. She tried to get up but she felt sore. Everything was hurting. "God damn how big is his fucking cock" she whispered.

Aztria let out a small laugh, she went back to lay down in the bed. She wondered what that night made her and Zion be.

Are they together or are they just..friends?

Aztria went back to sleep, she was very tired from last night. She fell asleep thinking if she rushed things, was she just being used? she's never experienced this.

"Nabela, wake up" Zion walked in with some clothes. He sat next to Aztrias body.


I sat next to her, she was laying down. She was so beautiful. Even when she slept, she looked so innocent.

I kissed her head, wanted her to rest.

"Don't go" she mumbled. "Do you need anything?" i asked. "You" she replied.

I walked up to her and sat down next to her. "How are you feeling?" i asked. "Tired" she got up.

"It's so freezing, since when did it snow in summertime? isn't it supposed to be hot?" she asked.

"apparently it's gonna be like this for the next 3 months so i have a lot of clothes , wood and many other things to order for the village." I replied.

"Wow, you care so much for your people" she mumbled while looking outside my window. "Yeah, i really do" i replied back.


"I had plans for us today but the snow and duties are taking all of my free time away" Zion looked at Aztria.

"That's okay don't worry, but i have a question. Where will i be staying at? Please don't let me go back to my neighbor. I was so stressed there" Aztria begged.

"I'll talk to my father about you staying here, i mean you do start a shift here remember" He replied back.

"Oh yeah i forgot about that" Aztria mumbled.

"Yeah well i'll let him know that you'll be staying in the castle" He smiled. "This week you'll be off, i wanna make sure you're strong enough to work, especially since last night" he let out a small laugh.

Aztria blushed, she threw a pillow at him. "I'm sorry" he said. "Well i have to get going, i have some duties to attend. There are some clothes in the wardrobe. If you need anything please let the servant know and i'll come as soon as i can" Zion then kissed Aztria on the forehead and walked off.

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