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It was now 1 month until Zions coronation.

Aztria was telling Roceliè what dress she wanted to wear for the coronation.

Aztria didn't know what she was to Zion but for her, Zion was her soulmate.


I cant stop thinking about that day. One month ago i spent almost all day with the boy i love.

I love Zion so much.

I was thinking of attending the royal coronation. I didn't have a dress but i couldn't afford a big beautiful dress. Plus, i wasn't a royal or a rich so why would i even fit in there.

I lost hope, i didn't think of attending the coronation.

The coronation was only 1 month away now.

When i cooked dinner, i made broccoli with mushrooms and some cooked chicken on the side.

I felt disgusted. I don't know why but the food looked very gross.

I decided it would be better if i laid down. I didn't realized i slept until the next morning. I was so exhausted.


It was now one month before my coronation. Time was going by so quick, it's been one month since i've seen Aztria.

We both had a busy schedule but it was mainly me, i was dealing with my coronation.

I had to choose many different for the tables, i picked the color blue, blue was a very beautiful color and i've always liked it since i was younger.

There was many people coming in the castle to work on things for this coronation, our ballroom was finally gonna be opened after years of never using it.

I was hoping Aztria could come, i wanted to announce something really important on the day of my coronation.


Aztria was sick, she would make teas almost everyday to cure her but she wouldn't stop getting headaches.

She decided to make an appointment with the royal doctor. Of course she told the queen Yesimer how she was feeling.

The queen Yesi was worried about Aztria. She loved her like a daughter.


I've never gotten sick in years, I was really worried.

I had an appointment at 5 with the royal doctor, he was known as the best doctor in the kingdom.

As i got ready, my stomach growled and i ran to the bathroom.

I threw up.

I started to cry, it was hurting so bad.

I threw up more until i suddenly closed my eyes.

I woke up in a room.

I looked around and i saw a nurse.

"What happened..?" i asked.

"Ma'am please lay down" she quickly ran to me and gave me some water.

I was really confused but then i remembered i passed out.

I was confused, who came to my house? How did they get in? I was getting scared, why am i so sick all of a sudden.

I quickly stopped thinking.

"Miss Nabela?"

I quickly looked to my right, it was a doctor.

"sir why am i here?" i asked.

"Well the queen had informed me you would come at 5 but you never did. She got worried and asked someone to go to your place and check and we'll you were on the floor" He replied.


The doctor ran some tests on Aztria. What he saw shocked him.

He didn't know how to explain it to Aztria, he knew she was a young girl and was maybe not expecting these news.

The doctor walked in the room. He sat on the chair next to Aztria.

"Ma'am, how old are you?" he asked.

"I'm 17 sir.." Aztria whispered.

The doctor was in shock. Aztria was really young.

"Whats your name?" he asked again.

"My name is Nabela" Aztria replied.

"Nabela where are your parents?" he asked.

"My father died when i was a baby and my mother passed away last year." Aztria replied.

The doctor felt bad for Aztria.

"Have you had any sexual activity recently..?" he asked.

Aztria then knew.

"yes sir.." she replied.

"Well then i guess you know what i was gonna say, you're pregnant. One week. When did you have sex?" he asked.

"About a month ago.." Aztria replied.

"Well, you're one week pregnant. The reason you've been feeling sick is because the baby is growing and it needs its space so that's why you're experiencing nausea, vomiting, headaches and more." He said.

"You're still a minor and even if you wanted an abortion, you would need your parents permission but they're not here. I'm not allowed to give you one but i heard the struggles you've had and the queen had informed me to help you the best i could." he said again.

"You're almost an adult so, would you like to keep it or abort it?" he asked.

Aztria then looked at the blanket.

"i don't know" she started crying.

"It's okay Nabela, you may take as much time as you can go think about it. Please let us know when you're ready and i'll support any choice you make" he gave Aztria a tissue and walked out of the room.

Aztria cried. She knew it was Zions baby but she didn't know if he'd hate her for keeping it. Aztria didn't want to kill the baby, she actually wanted one but not at this age. She was really young and didn't know if she could handle a baby while studying. Thankfully it was her last year and she wanted to pass to get this herbalist job.

Aztria didn't want to tell Zion. She knew he would probably leave her. Aztria thought about keeping it and maybe telling the queen she would move somewhere else to get a herbalist job.

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