CHAPTER 10: Winter?

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Aztrias depression got even worse day by day. She didn't visit her mother's grave as much as she would. Her neighbor started to get worried. She mad aztria take naps instead of over working herself.

The neighbor then sent a mail to the prince. Zion was too busy to look at the mail. He was too busy doing royal duties and investigations that he forgot about Aztrias health.

Aztria got very sick, she was weak. Her heart broke even more knowing Zion probably forgot about her. It broke her even more knowing she fell in love with him.

He was the first guy to talk to her, care for her, and not judge her because of what she is. She loved him deeply. She finally knew what love felt like...

Her neighbor was really worried. She saw a man with a case. She didn't care who it was, she just wanted to help this poor young girl.

"SIR PLEASE HELP ME!" she yelled. "Ma'am, what's the matter?!" he ran to her house.

"This poor young girl is slowly dying, please help me" she cried. "It's you? the girl who lost her mother?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter who she is, just please help her" The woman cried harder.

Doctor Trey gave Aztria a shot and some medicine. He asked the neighbor to please stay here and take care of her while he called for some more backup.

Zion had told Trey what he felt for Aztria. Trey was like a big brother to Zion. Zion trusted him a lot with his secrets. Trey knew Zion loved Aztria because of the words he used to describe her.

"She's like a good luck charm. She's so beautiful and perfect. Ever since she moved to Royal High, she made me want to go to school everyday. She's anything a man would want, she's kind, she's lovely, she's generous, she's an amazing cooker, she would take care of her mother everyday, she would study everyday to make her mother proud. I wish she could see that i really love her but..she's interested into Marcus. I understand that but that's not gonna stop me from trying to let her know i love her and care for her" doctor Trey let out a tear.

He loved seeing Zion happy, He loved seeing teenagers love eachother. Of course Trey experienced his true love in highschool but he soon lost her due to crash.

Trey wanted everything to be perfect for Zion so he could experience his true love too. That's why he ran to the castle as fast as he could.

When he got there, Zion was in a meeting. The meeting was about expanding the land and building better houses for the people. 

Trey crashed in the middle of it. "Trey woah , i'm in a meeting is everything okay?!" Zion asked. "NO, No, it's Aztria, she's..she's losing hope. You need to come Zion. Please." Trey cried.

Zion then looked at his father. His father nodded and Zion ran as fast as he could to neighbors house.


Trey interrupted the important meeting.

What he said broke my heart. I looked at my father and he nodded. Letting me know that i should go and see.

I ran as fast as i could to her neighbors house. What did trey meant? Was Aztria gonna die? No. She cannot die.

I let out a tear and yelled at the guards to bring a medic carriage.

When i got there, i looked at the neighbor. She was crying. I ran up to Aztria, i checked her pulse.

Thank god she's was breathing. I felt her hand, it was cold. Really cold. I carried her and ran outside. It was snowing? Since when? i questioned myself. I thought it would be summer.

I spotted the Medic carriage and i quickly put her in there. I yelled at the driver to faster and faster.

I looked at Aztria, her face looked so sad. It's like she didn't eat for days.

When we got to the castle, i ordered everyone to get my room ready and to cook some warm food.

I was gonna let Aztria stay in my bedroom. It was the best room in the castle. It was warm and cozy.

After i placed Aztria on my bed i quickly went to go get some hand warmers.

"don-" i heard a noise and it was Aztria, she was mumbling. It's like she was trying to say something.

I quickly ran to her.

Aztria started crying. I quickly grabbed her and hugged her as hard as i could. She tried to hug back but she had no strength.

"do you hate me?" Aztria asked. "What? who told you that?" i asked her. "You never came to see me, i was overworked by that neighbor. She made me work every day. I had to visit my mother and study everyday as well" she cried.


Aztrias words hurt Zion. He felt useless, he was too busy he forgot about the one person he loved.

"Aztria, i'm sorry, i've been busy with this investigation and so many royal duties. I'm gonna become king next year." He looked at Aztria. Her beautiful green eyes looked so puffy.

"I'm gonna get you something to eat" Zion kissed Aztria on the head and walked off.

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