CHAPTER 30: Please

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Aztria was getting many visits by the queen Yesi. Aztria was 3 weeks pregnant but the queen was obviously very worried for her.

Many months ago the queen had an investigation going on for Aztria and who she really was.

The queen decided to put that on the side when she found out Aztria was pregnant.

Queen Yesimer treated Aztria like her daughter, she would constantly visit her and make her teas and help her out with things she needed.

Today the queen made a visit to Aztrias house.

"Coming" Aztria yelled.

"Oh hello your majesty, what brings you here?" Aztria asked.

"I just wanted to check if you were okay or if you needed anything" the queen replied.

"Ah yeah i'm good, i'm just really tired" Aztria replied.

"Nabela.." the queen whispered.

"Yes ma'am?" Aztria asked.

"Are you gonna attend the coronation..?" the queen asked.

"I'm not sure" Aztria whispered.

"I'll support your choice no matter what but i say you should go. Zion would be glad to see you there and i'm sure he has something beautiful planned for you" the queen smiled.

"I don't have a dress ma'am, i cant afford one at the moment" Aztria replied.

"Leave that to me, i'll find you the best beautiful dress in the word and you will look like a real princess" the queen replied.

Aztria hugged Yesimer tightly.

"Thank you so much for everything your royal majesty" Aztria led out some tears. She couldn't believe the queen of all queens was helping her.



Two more weeks till my coronation. The kingdom was getting very busy and full.

The chefs were planning on meals. Everything was going great so far.

I thought about Aztria. I wanted to see her before i became king. She was all i cared about at the moment.

It was 8pm so i decided to go visit her at Aztrez. Thankfully their gates weren't closed yet.

I still had time, so i decided to go find some flowers from a shop at my village.

They had many different flowers, they were all beautiful. I decided to buy her red roses, they represented love.

I then hurried up to her house, it took a while but i managed to get there. I was greeted by the Aztrez guards.

As i was walking there with my horse i spotted her, she was brushing her wet hair on the sofa.

Her window was opened, she was so beautiful.

Of course she had security guards around her place because of the Derya situation but they knew who i was.

I knocked on her door, i heard her yell, "i'm coming!"

She opened the door and looked at me with shock. Did i do something wrong?

"Hi" i said.

She laughed.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night Zion?" she asked.

"It's 9 pm it's not that late" i chuckled.

"Here, these are for you" I handed her the roses.


Aztria gave Zion a kiss on the cheek. She was wearing a robe with her laced pijamas under it.

"Come in" she laughed.

Aztria then let Zion in and closed the door. She sat him down on the chair next to the kitchen counter.

"Do you want a coffee or tea?" she asked. m

"Sure, a coffee please" he replied.

Aztrias hair was still wet, it was curly and very long.

"Your hair is so long, do you ever wanna cut it?" Zion asked.

"Nope, i love long hair" Aztria laughed.

"So, how's everything at your kingdom? Is it busy?" Aztria asked.

"Yeah very, this coronation is so exhausting. So many royals from other islands are coming and staying at my or other kingdoms. Thank god our ballroom can fit about 3,000 people or more." Zion replied.

"Coffee is ready" Aztria replied back.

"Are you gonna have some ?" Zion asked.

"I cant drink caffeine at the mom-" Aztria then stopped. She didn't want Zion to know she was pregnant.

"Uh, no it's very late" she chuckled.

"Are you okay?" Zion asked.

"Yeah i'm just tired, i have some tutoring in the morning so i gotta wake up early for that" Aztria replied.

"Oh, i'll be going then" Zion got up.

"Are you sure?" Aztria asked.

"Yeah it's fine, i gotta handle some other things at the castle for the next two weeks. I just wanted to stop by to see how you're doing." Zion replied.

As Zion opened the door he asked, "You're gonna be there..right?" he asked.

Aztria laughed.

"Yes i will" she smiled.

Zion then closed the door and went up to Aztria. He gave her a small kiss on the forehead.

"I love you, i'll see you in two weeks" he then opened the door and walked out.

Aztria felt guilty for not telling Zion the truth.

She didn't want him to hate her because of the decision she made.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled.

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