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When she let out the words, "she called me Aztria" i stood there in shock.

Was Nabela the lost princess? She was beautiful and looked exactly like the queen but i didn't wanna get ahead of myself.

For now i just focused on her mother and finding a medic to attend her. I truly loved Nabela and didn't care if she had power or not. She was everything i wanted. I loved her kindness and generosity.

I led Nabela to my personal medic. "Doc. Trey, i have an important job for you" I asked.

"Ah prince Zion, what is it? Are you feeling okay?" Trey replied. "Ah no i'm okay but my friends mother isnt. I was hoping you could come immediately to her house. She lives in the kingdom so it'll be quick." Zion pleased.

"Prince Zion you are too kind, of course i'll come." He grabbed his equipment and followed me. "Thank you so so so much doc" Nabela yelled.

"Princess Yesimer? what are you doing here?" he asked. "She's not the queen" I laughed. "Oh this must be your friend? I'm so sorry ma'am" He let out a little laugh.

That made me think even more harder. Was Nabela actually the lost princess? I was thinking of investigating a little more about her 'mother' and Nabela.

"Are you okay?" Nabela asked. "Yeah i'm okay, uh let's go" i replied.


Aztria led doctor Trey to her house. When they got there Aztria offered them soup she made. They decided it would be better to take it after.

"Okay she's over here" Aztria led them to the room. "Please step out!" the doctor yelled.

"What's going on?!" Aztria yelled. "Is she okay?!" Aztria yelled again.

A few minutes passed by. Zion and Trey were talking in the room. "Zion what happened is she okay?!" Aztria cried.

"Aztria..I'm sorry" Zion replied.

Aztria cried, she screamed, she wanted her mother. She was just 16, she was too young to be living on her own.

Some time passed by, Zion managed to calm Aztria down. "She was diagnosed with Cancer in the lungs. She was pale because she had trouble breathing" doc Trey handed Aztria a tissue.

"Thank you" she cried. "Do you have any other family members here you can live with?" Trey asked. "No, my father passed away before i was born" Aztria replied.

"It's okay doc, i'll find a way for her to stay somewhere" Zion replied to Trey. "That's so sweet of you Zion" Trey replied.

"I'm gonna have a talk with Aztria, you can go ahead and go" said Zion. "Okay, i'll get people to carry out the body out of here. You cannot stay here at the moment miss" Trey replied while walking out.

"What do you want Zion" Aztria asked. "Do you wanna live in my castle in the moment?" Zion asked. "Are you kidding me?" Aztria replied. "No i don't, i don't fit in there. Everything is too expensive. What if i break something?" Aztria panicked.

"i know it's stressful and i rushed it but, you're 16. That's too young to be living alone" he said.
"please let me help you, you're apart of my kingdom and that's why i'm here. I cara about my people. So Nabela, please let me help you" His smile was so charming. His eyes were so beautiful. Him in general was just..perfect.

"I'll think about it" Aztria let out a small smile. She was thankful she had someone she could talk to. She didn't trust prince Zion as much yet. He was kind but she didn't wanna fall into those 'traps' Juli told her about.


Aztria was staying with her sweet old neighbor. Her neighbor was 73, she was very sweet about her staying in her house. Aztria would always cook for her and the lady loved her like a grand daughter.

Aztria was also attending school. She had to pass her exams in order to attend Royal High again next year. The school year was almost over. 2 more months and they were out.

Prince Zion would visit Aztria twice a week to see if she needed anything. Aztria refused to live in the castle so she decided to live with her neighbor. Of course her house was still there but she didn't like going there alone.

The lost AztrezWhere stories live. Discover now