CHAPTER 15: Tears

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When Aztria heard those words, she broke down into tears. She ran to her room, she knew he'd fallen for her.

Zions parents weren't sure about the marriage so they told Deryas parents to give them time to think about it.

Of course Deryas parents were mad but not as mad as Derya.

"I'm sorry but we came all this way to tell you this just for you guys to put us on hold?" Derya yelled.

"Excuse me young lady but you do not decide who my son will marry" Zions mother snapped.
"She's right, i don't think my son would like to marry a stuck up princess like you" Zions father replied.

"We're so sorry about her, you can take as much time as you want to think about this" Deryas mother let out a small laugh.

"I already took the time i needed, the answer is no" Zion replied. "You may stay in the castle until my coronation but please, don't let your bitch ass daughter around me" Zion snapped.

"Zion!" Zions mother yelled.

"Mama, i already have someone i'm interested in. In fact i'm already with her" Zion snapped again.

"So you're with the castles cooker? are you not embarrassed?!" Derya yelled.

Zion ignored Deryas words. He ran to Aztrias room but he noticed her things were gone.

"Damn she's fucking fast" He yelled. "Get the guards to search for Nabela, the cooker" he ordered the Servant.

"Sir, Nabela told me to not tell you where she was going and to please leave her alone.." He replied.

"Do i look like i care? I said to make the guards search for her, NOW!" he yelled.

"My apologies your royal highness" the servant replied. He then ordered the guards to search for girl with long curly hair, green eyes, 5'3 height, etc.

Zion let out a tear, he lost the person he truly loved. He then remembered the note Nabelas mother wrote. It could probably be the only proof Nabela was the princess.

Zion then ran to his office to find Derya sitting on his chair with the note.

"Wow, so she's the long lost princess?" she laughed. "Derya, give that to me. It's the only proof i have" he asked.

Derya then pulled a lighter from her pocket.

"What if i don't want to?" she laughed.

"Derya please" He begged.

"Marry me and i won't do it" she ordered as she turned the lighter on making the note a little grey.

Zion thought about it for a second. "Fine" he agreed. He knew he had no other choice but to marry Derya.

"That's more like it, i'll keep this for now untill our big day" she replied as she laughed.

Zion knew there was nothing he could do. That note had the proof he needed. But he didn't care about the note. He cared more about Aztria.


I quickly ran from the castle. I decided it would be best if Zion and Derya got married. She was a royal and i wasnt.

I was a nobody.

decided to quit Royal high. I didn't want any contact with Zion or that stupid spoiled bitch.

As i was running away i bumped into someone. Someone i would never thought i'd bump into.

"My apologies dear, what are you doing out here alone?" She asked. "Wait, aren't you the girl from the polo game?" she asked again.

"Queen Yesimer..?" i replied. "Ma'am, what are you doing here? It's very dangerous for you out here" She then placed my hand on my mouth.

"Please be quiet, I don't want anyone knowing i'm here" she pleased. "I'm sorry" i apologized.

"But ma'am, what brings you here..?" I asked her.

"Well, this was my daughters favorite place. She was just one, this is where she learned her first word" she whispered.

"Why were you running dear, are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah yeah i'm fine, don't worry about me" i lied to her. "You know i'm not stupid right? Im still 34" she replied.

"No ma'am, i'm not okay" i cried. "Oh dear i'm so sorry, do you wanna talk about it?" she asked.

"Not here, i'm still trying to leave this place" i whispered. "Oh well in that case let's go to my kingdom. I'm sure i can assist you there" she asked with a beautiful smile.

"Oh miss that's so sweet but i'll have to pass. It's better if you get to your castle before midnight. Who knows what could happen" i replied.

"But what about you dear, it's very cold here. Especially since we're expecting more snow tomorrow morning" She stared at my eyes.

"Your eyes are beautiful dear, they remind me so much of my daughter. Please, let me help you. After that you can do whatever you want" she begged.

"Thank you so much miss" i bowed at her.


Aztria and the queen Yesimer got to the Aztrez kingdom. Aztria was shocked of how many guards were surrounding the castle and kingdom.

"There's so many huh?" the queen asked. "Yeah...a lot" Aztria replied.

"I'm planning on getting more, I want to keep Seprah safe. I don't want to loose her like i lost my precious Aztria" the queen let out a small tear.

"I'm really sorry" Aztria mumbled.

"It was her birthday when i first met you at that polo game" She let out a small laugh.

"Yeah, me and the princess Aztria actually share birthdays. I find it a little funny" Aztria laughed.

"Oh do?" the queen asked. "Where is your mother?" She asked again.

"My mother actually passed away a few months ago" Aztria replied. "I'm so sorry for your loss dear, may i ask what her name was?" the queen asked.

"Her name was Juli" Aztria replied.

The queen looked at Aztria with shock. "You're julis daughter?" she asked.

"Uh there something wrong?" Aztria asked. "Yeah it's just that, i think i new your mother back in highschool" she replied.

"You did..?" Aztria asked.

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