CHAPTER 4: 16.

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Yes, they did indeed took my sweet baby Aztria" someone replied..

Aztria's eyes opened wide. The queen of Aztrez has arrived. She quickly got up and bowed.

"You're so sweet, what is your name i ask?" queen Yesi asked.

"My name is Nabela, Nabela Mira" Aztria replied. She was nervous, anxious, she was scared.

"Wow Nabela, has anyone ever told you your eyes are so beautiful. They remind me of my dear Aztria" Yesi replied.

"I'm really sorry to hear about your lost daughter, i'm sure you'll find her one day and you'll be reunited with her and your family" Aztria replied back.

"You're so sweet Nabela, do you live near here?" Yesi asked

"Yes ma'am, i live in Prince Zions kingdom. I'm not a royal or rich." Aztria replied.

"Well then i assume you and Zion must be something close.." she smirked and let out a small laugh.

"Oh no ma'am , he just invited me to his game because of something that happened at school" Aztria replied.

"Oh" the queen replied.

"Well i'm very sorry to say this Nabela but i have to get going, i just wanted to stop by and say hello to my dearest friend" Yesi gently bowed to Nabela and walked away.



I panicked. What should i say? What should i do?

The queen was a beauty, She had short curly black hair and her eyes were as bright as a star. They glowed in the sun, she was so beautiful. How could someone as powerful as her talk to a nobody like me? i questioned myself.

When she left she gave me a relief vibe. The way she walked was also very impressive. She had a gorgeous body, i'm sure she missed her lost daughter.

"Hey Aztria, are you okay?" asked Zions father. "Yeah i'm okay, thank you sir" i replied. I sat down in my seat, the game was about to start. My eyes spot Marcus.

Wow, he was such a hot ass. I wonder what it's like to be a royal? i asked myself. Why did Zion ask me to come here. Im literally unknow. What's up with him these days..?

I wouldn't talk to Zion or anyone in particular. My only friend was Monica. Every since i've moved to the school this year she was the one who came up to me and introduced me to the school. She wasn't as powerful as the other kids but she loved the way she lived.

Monica was top 19. Now days everything matters, she tries to not get involved with Scarlett. She's the only princess who's on top 5. She would've feared Princess Aztria but she got kidnapped 14 years ago.

Princess Aztria would've turned 16 today as well. We share the same birthdays which i find it cool and weird to be honest...

"THATS MY BOY!" Yelled Zions father. Zion had just scored a point for his team. I was confused when Zion first talked to me. I thought every royal hated me for being the 'poor' person on campus but i honestly didn't care.

I don't why he's suddenly talking to me. I know he's nice because his parents always taught him manners but, this..was just weird.



Zions game had just finished. They won like every other game. Zion was the co-capitan and Marcus was the Main captain.

Zion and Marcus were both very good at polo. It one of their biggest goals in life to make it to the royal finals.

Aztria stood up and waited for Zion. She needed a ride back home.

"¿Hola mama y papa, si les gusto el juego?" (Hi mom and dad, did you like the game?) Zion asked. "Si hijo" (Yes son) His father replied.

Because of princess Aztria's kidnapping. The school decided to have the biggest polo game in the kingdom on princess Aztrias birthday.

"Nabela, may i ask how old you are?" Zions mother asked. "Oh actually today is my birthday, i don't really do anything on my birthday because i don't have as much money as others." Aztria replied.

"Woah, you share birthdays with princess Aztria from Aztrez?" Zion asked. "Wait today's her birthday?" Aztria replied. "Uh yeah..that's the reason we have the biggest polo game in the kingdom" Zion replied back.

"Oh, i never knew that, i had just moved here 6 months ago.." Aztria mumbled. "Well why don't you let us take you out for some delicious dinner on this special day. Princess Aztrias birthday and yours. What a lovely day" The queen asked.

"Oh no no it's okay, my mom made dinner at home and she's probably waiting for me. She's also not feeling well so i wanna go check on her" Aztria replied.

"Oh well maybe some day Zion can invite you to our castle and we could have dinner maybe get to know you better. You live in our kingdom right?" Zions father asked. "Yes, i do" Aztria smiled.

Zions face turned red. It was his first time seeing Aztrias real smile. He's liked her for more than 2 months. Ever since she moved here, he thought she was the perfect girl.

Aztria is a sweet girl. She's also very smart and very gorgeous. Her eyes were dark green as a emerald gem. Of course, she didn't find herself pretty because of all the people at campus.

"Shall we go, Nabela..?" asked Zion. "Yeah let's go" Aztria replied. Zion held his arm out like the gentlemen he was. Aztria blushed, this was the first boy she's ever had contact with.

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