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Aztria got dressed. The dress Zion picked out for her looked gorgeous. It was a emerald green, Aztria loved it.

She looked at herself in the mirror in shock. She felt like a real princess. she's never felt this pretty.

She thought, How could a nobody like me end up in a castle like this.


Aztria starts working at the castle. She worked as a cook for the royal family. The queen absolutely loved Aztrias cooking. Meanwhile Zion was busy doing royal studies and working on the investigation.

This upcoming school year was Zions last year as a Royal Senior. His coronation was also coming up. He was very busy doing that and taking care of the woman he loved, Aztria.

Aztria was living in the castle in a guest room. Zions father was okay with the idea of her staying here. Aztria adored Zions parents, they were very kind and helpful.

Zions parents knew Zion liked Aztria. They've never seen their son act like that for someone. Especially for a woman, they also loved Aztria.

They didn't care if she wasn't rich or royalty. Aztria was like a the perfect woman for Zion. They would constantly bother Zion about Aztria.

Zion was obviously annoyed, they would constantly bother him about Aztria. They would ask stupid questions like.

"Is she your girlfriend?" "Do you like her?" "Is she gonna be your date for the coronation?"

The first and last question made Zion think.

"Would she like to be my date for the coronation..?"

Zions coronation was in 11 months. Aztria didn't know anything about royalty but she knew about his coronation.

She wanted to give him the best gift she could find, So she started to take notes of what he liked and disliked.


School was almost starting. There was so many things i had to complete before Zions coronation.

I started to clean the kitchen before i went to bed. My shift was over and it was time to go sleep, everyone was sleeping but me. Or so i thought.

"Today's foodtoday was delicio"Who's there?!" I panicked. "Who else?" Zion walked in from the shadows. The moon was the only light shining in the kitchen.

"You scared me!" i yelled. "Im sorry" Zion laughed. "Do you need anything?" i asked.

"Actually i need you, come with me i need to show you something" Zion pulled my hand and led me outside.


"Get on" Zion smiled.

"Uh where are we going?" Aztria asked. "you'll see" Zion grabbed Aztria's hand and helped her on the horse.

Zion then got on the horse. "Hold on tight" he whispered in Aztrias ear.

"VAMONOS" (LETS GO) he yelled. The horse took off.

"Zion you're scaring me, where are we going?" Aztria asked. "Somewhere special" he replied. "Just close your eyes and feel the air" he mumbled.

It was a cold night, it was snowing, the moon was bright. Aztria closed her eyes while Zion took her somewhere special.

"Where here" he said. He then got off his horse. He helped Aztria get off the horse.

"Close your eyes" he whispered. He led Aztria to her mother's grave.

"Okay you can open them" he whispered again. "Where are we?" Aztria asked. "Look down" he replied.

Aztria looked down, she saw her mother's name. She then looked at Zion with her beautiful green eyes. "Thank you so much Zion" she cried.

Aztria didn't visit her mother for weeks. Zion taking her here meant so much for her.

"Zion, i have a question.." Aztria whispered. "What is it?" he replied.

"Why are you being so nice to me? I thought every royal hated me at school. Monica left me for Scarlett. I only have you now, every since that left me thinking. What are we..?" Aztria asked.

"Nabela, i don't hate you, I never did. Ever since you moved to my school, i thought you were the most beautiful girl in campus. I've never met a girl like you. You're different from other women at campus. All they want is my money and power nowadays, but you, you're just different." He replied.

"And about last night.." Zion walked up to Aztria. Putting his face closer to hers.

"Nabela, ever since you moved to my kingdom and my school, I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world. My eyes couldn't resist your beauty. Nabela, i love you so much and i hope you feel the same way." Zions words made Aztria realize how much she loved him but couldn't be his.

"I'm sorry Zion but i cant be yours. I'm not a royal, i'm not rich i'm nothing but a random girl in your kingdom." Aztria replied.

Zion laughed. "Nabela, you don't have to be a royal or rich to be mine. I love you the way you are, you're a perfect woman to be my kingdoms queen." He replied.

Aztrias eyes lit up, she let out a small laugh.

"So then what does this makes us?" She then approached Zion, giving him a short kiss.

Zion and Aztria laughed. Zion felt like the luckiest man in the world. He was finally dating a woman he truly loved, not just a woman who wanted him for his money of power.

Aztria was nervous, she doesn't know how to act when being around other royals but Zion. She thought reading some royal books would help her know how to pose, bow and walk with respect.

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