CHAPTER 24: Different Night

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I studied more, the finals were coming.

I dreamed so much for this job, especially since it would save lives.

I wanted to make medicine and have my own shop in the Aztrez kingdom, the most biggest and strongest kingdom.

I felt so proud of myself and so did queen Yesimer.

I was also thinking of Zions birthday, it was in two days.

While i was working, the mail man knocked on my  door to announce the news.

I quickly went to go open the door and pick the papers up.

"Thank you!" i yelled at the mail man, he gave me a warm smile.

I loved seeing people smile, it reminded me of Zion and my mother. I loved them so much..

When i got to my kitchen counter, i slipped on a stupid puddle of water i forgot to clean up earlier. I dropped the News papers on the floor.

"SHIT!" i yelled, i hit my knee on the wooden floor very bad.

I quickly got up and placed a random napkin on my knee. It was red, very red.

It was burning and hurting very badly. I got up and walked slowly to the sink.

I got a paper towel and wet it, i then placed it on my knee.

How worse could my day get?


I had a lot of bullshit to deal with. Mainly was my canceled engagement with Derya the witch.

Fuck that dirty whore, she just wanted me for my body, power, fame, and money.

She treated my kingdom horrible, she didn't care about the people or bothered to check on the shops and see what they needed.

Thankfully the snow had stopped. There was some left but it was starting to melt. The polo game was shit, it was very hard to handle but we managed to win.

Thanks to Marcus and me, we obviously won.

Marcus stopped talking to me after the day Aztria and Scarlett had gone wild.

I'm not gonna lie, Aztria was really hot with those under clothes.

That night was the same night we spent together. I wished we could've talked a little more but after having sex, Aztria quickly fell asleep.

She was such a beautiful and peaceful sleeper. Her curly hair covered her face and breast. It was so long and beautiful i loved it.

The day after me and Aztria spent together, i was working on the investigation and i decided to read the note.

The note left Zion shocked. Aztrias 'mother' was forced to kidnap Aztria. She didn't want to at first but remembered what Salvatore had done to her in Royal High.

She decided it was a good revenge idea and really wanted a daughter since she couldn't have kids. Juli didn't know she couldn't have kids until she had sex with someone else.

She tried multiple times during those two years Aztria spent with her mother. Juli had gone to multiple doctors but they all told her she was infertile.

She couldn't believe it so she went to many and many doctors.

Those news gave her more reasons why she wanted to kidnap Aztria. She didn't have a choice in the beginning either way.

Juli was forced to kidnap Aztria by queen Armen. Queen Armen had threatened Juli to kill her parents and steal their company if she didn't kidnap princess Aztria.

Juli of course agreed, she wanted her parents to be safe and she wanted revenge on Salvatore.

Zion was curious to know what Salvatore did to this woman called Juli. He knew she was Aztrias kidnapper but he wanted some background on her. Zion then read more of the note and found out Julis mother actually loved Aztria like a daughter.

The note said:

"Dear Nabela,

I know you're gonna be mad at me from now on but i don't have much time to write this letter. I'm sorry for not telling you i had cancer, i didn't want to worry you my dear. But you are not my real daughter, although i love you as one. You had made me the happiest 'mother' in the whole world. Nabela, i gave you everything i had and could. I couldn't have kids so i took you. I am not your real mother, i kidnapped you when you were 2. Your name isn't Nabela. I decided to give you that name because i dreamed of having a baby girl and naming her Nabela. It was a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl like you. Your real name is Aztria. Princess Aztria. I kidnapped you from queen Yesi. I didn't have a choice, i was forced to. Queen Armen threatened to hurt my family so i did to keep them safe but i also did it because your father committed a mistake in highschool. I loved your father so much but he caused me a lot a pain when me and him had sex in highschool. He ignored me and thought of me as a whore and object. I wish i could explain more but i don't have more time. Aztria, you are the lost princess. If you check the locked cabinets. You will see pictures and notes of you when you were a baby. I know it isn't as much proof but you look exactly like your mother. I'm sorry for everything baby, i regret stealing you from your family. I wish i could go back in time and make things right. You can hate me all you want but i'll always love you like my daughter. - Love, Juli.

Those words touched Zions heart. Juli did love Aztria like a daughter.

Zion looked at the notes and pictures.

It was baby Aztria in a puddle of mud playing, he short baby curls were all over her face. The notes said,

"Day 275,

Baby Nabelas curly hair has grown. It is very beautiful and shines with the sun. I love this girl so much i cant wait for her to grow up"

Zion smiled. He wishes he could tell Aztria the truth but he knew it wasn't the right time to do so.

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