CHAPTER 27: My Yellow

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Zion pulled out. He quickly buckled his pants on.

He took off his jacket and put it on top of Aztria.

"Damn ma, that food was fucking delicious" he laughed.

Aztria got up slowly.

"You fucked me up" she chuckled.

"I'm sorry" he apologized and kissed Aztrias forehead.

"Are you still hungry?" Aztria asked.

"You tryna go for another round?" Zion smirked.

Aztria laughed and reached for the basket.

She then fell on her face.

"You really did fuck me up Zion" Aztria mumbled on the floor.

Zion started to laugh very hard.

"Here i'll get it hermosa" He picked Aztria up and helped her sit properly. Of course Aztria was in pain but she sucked it in.

He then reached for the basket and gave it Aztria.

"Okay so i made you your favorite cake and topping" Aztria smiled.

"Are you sure you're okay..?" Zion asked.

"Yes i'm fine" Aztria replied.

"You keep moving your hips left and right while sitting, you think that's fine?" He replied back.

"Lay down" Zion then got up and helped Aztria lay down. He sat down and placed her head on his leg.

"I'm sorry i cant open it for you" Aztria apologized.

"It's okay hermosa, just tell me what to do" Zion looked down and kissed Aztria on the head.

"Okay so open the basket, there should be some food and a me and queen Yesimer made for you" Aztria smiled as she saw Zion open the basket.

"No way, did you and queen Yesimer make this?" he asked.

"Yes, she helped me plan all of this" Aztria replied.

"It's tres leches with chocolate strawberries on top" Aztria then sat up.

"Are you okay?" Zion asked.

"Yeah i'm fine for now" she replied.

As Zion got the cake and plates out, Aztria reached for the cake on Zions hands.

"Give me the knife" she told Zion.

"Are you sure you wanna cut the cake?" he asked.

"Do you wanna do it birthday boy?" she laughed.

Aztria then handed Zion the cake, the cake had said.

"Happy birthday Zion fat head"

Zion let out a small chuckle. Who ever wrote this has a small brain.

Aztria looked at him with a serious face, Zion started to laugh hard.

"Just cut the cake Zion" Aztria hit him on the arm.

"Okay hermosa" he replied.

As Zion and Aztria ate the cake, Aztria had whipped cream on her face.

Zion reached for a napkin and cleaned her face.

"You fucking that shit up huh?" he laughed.

"Zion i literally hate you so much right now" Aztria gave Zion a serious look but chuckled.


"I'm so full" said Zion as he laid on the blanket. This is so comfortable, i might sleep here" he said.

"No get up, i'm gonna take you somewhere beautiful" Aztria replied.

"But i already left that beautiful place, you" Zion laughed.

Aztria blushed.

"Actually never mind you don't deserve seeing that place" Aztria replied.

"No wait im sorry im coming" Zion quickly got up.

As Aztria got up, she then remembered she was sore.

"FUCK!" she yelled.

Zion laughed at Aztria. He was laughing so hard he fell on the ground too. Aztria then started to laugh at him.

Time went by fast, Zion then remembered his royal dinner he had to attend.

"Aztria, i'm sorry but do you know when the carriage is coming? I need to attend the royal dinner" Zion asked.

"Speaking of the carriage, it's actually here look" Aztria looked behind him.

Zion turned around and saw the carriage coming. He then grabbed everything and put it into the basket.

As the carriage got there, he opened the door and placed the basket on the seat.

He then helped Aztria get up.

"Prince, is she okay?" He asked.

Aztria immediately blushed.

"Oh yeah she just hurt her knee" He replied.

"Wait how do you know that?!" she yelled.

"SHUT DUMB ASS!" he replied.

The driver then asked if they were okay again, Aztria had hurt her knee the day before.

"Yes sir we're fine, Nabela is just being really slow right now" Zion replied.

Zion placed Aztria on the seat. After placing Aztria on carriage he got on and sat next to her.

Aztria was tried of laughing and well you know.

She laid her head on Zions chest and slept till they got to her house.


This was the best birthday i've ever had in years. I spent it with the woman i loved the most. She planned all of it, that made me even happier.

I've never been in a pic nic with anyone before, the cake was delicious, her cooking was so delicious in general.

I will never forget this birthday. I love Aztria so much, i hope she attends the coronation.

When i got to the royal dinner, every royal buy Derya was there. I made sure she wasn't invited.

We all laughed and the food was delicious. Scarlett actually looked happy for once, she wasn't having that grumpy face, Marcus and Scarlett were still dating.

I was surprised they were still together. William and Matthew were very close. They were like brothers and they both had a girlfriend.

William was dating princess Rose and Matthew was dating princess Maylen.

I enjoyed this day so much, i got to spend it with the people i loved the most.

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