CHAPTER 9: Everything

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Prince Zion started his investigation. He was curious if Nabela was actually the long lost princess. He put everything together to make it make sense. He didn't believe it was true so he wanted more information.

Zion sent guards to look for information at Aztrias house. When Aztria was at school or buying groceries, Zion decided to go to the house himself.

He tried to make it seem like he was at the castle. He searched everywhere for information.

He came across a cabinet with a lock. He knew that was the information he needed.

Zion then decided it would be best to come here at night. He wanted to know the truth.

Days passed, Aztria would visit her mother's grave almost every day. At school, Aztria wouldn't talk to Monica anymore. Monica would hang out with Scarlett now. 

Monica thought if she could become friends with Scarlett, she would become popular. Nowadays, girls at royal high just wanted sex and power.

Aztria would focus more on her work and trying to pass. Zion would talk to her at school but she tried to keep her distance so the others could leave her alone.

Aztria had many things to do every day, Cook food, Visit her mother, and lastly, Study for her final exam.

She wanted company, she didn't wanna stay with her old neighbor. She wanted someone to talk to , laugh with and be with. She never knew what love was.

Aztria realized she didn't feel anything for Marcus anymore. She knew she never had a chance with him either way. He only wanted someone rich and powerful.

She decided to focus on herself and try to get over her mothers death. She was 16 so she decided to apply for a job.

She decided to talk to Zion about her getting a job and live by herself. She wanted to learn medicine when she grew up. Zion loved the idea and offered her a job at the castle as a maid.

She refused at first but then realized that's the only job she could probably only get at 16. Aztria finally agreed, her first shift would start in the begging of summer.


I studied hard for my test. This school had the classes i wanted to study to be what i wanted when i'm older.

I wanted a job, i was tired of living with my annoying neighbor. She seemed sweet but she would be very rude and would threaten to kick me out if i didn't clean.

Life without my mother was very hard but i had Zions support. Zion was really kind and supportive.

I had my exam in two days so i studied even harder. I wanted to pass, i wanted to make my mother happy. I also wanted to make Zion happy. He was so sweet to me, i don't know why he was acting like this, sweet, generous, and very cute.


The day of investigation came. I put on my clothes and headed to the house. It was 2:36 am in the morning. I tried to not make a sound and it worked. I got in and damn the place was filled with dust.

I quickly rushed to find the cabinet i found. There was no picture frames of Nabela. No baby pictures. It made the theory even more stronger.

I truly believed Nabela was princess Aztria.

When i got the cabinet i saw a paper next to the bed where Nabelas mother passed. I quickly read it and it was true. Nabela was the long lost princess.

I shoved the paper in my pocket and proceeded to open the cabinet. It was a very hard cabinet to open, it's like nobody has ever touched it. I wonder if Nabela ever had the courage to open it.

When i finally opened the cabinet, it was full of letters. Love letters to the king of Aztrez. I then noticed a picture of Nabelas mom and the king in a car.

Was this when they were younger..? Why did this lady kidnap the princess. I quickly took the letters and the pictures in there. I ran back to the castle to start this big investigation.


Zion didn't plan on telling anyone Nabela was the princess. Instead he decided to keep it a secret untill he knew he was actually right. He also had to get things ready for his big coronation. He was soon to become king, prince Zion was one year older than Aztria.

Aztria spent most of her time in the library. She was waiting on her exam results.

Aztria and Zion didn't talk as much as they would every day. Zion was busy with royal duties and Aztria was busy cleaning andvisiting her mother's grave.

She was scared of the results she would get. She was very stressed.

Days later, Aztria then fell into a deep depression.

She had no one to talk to, she was too busy. She wanted to give up but there was something stopping her. She didn't want to disappoint her mother.

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