CHAPTER 25: Shocking

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I only had such little proof to prove the queen of Aztrez that Nabela was Aztria.

I hope she believes me.

I ignored all the news and rumors Derya tried to spread. Thankfully she had left me alone for some time but that made me even more worried. I was scared she would hurt Aztria.

Aztria had been through so much and i didn't want her to through more bullshit because of some jealous bitchy princess.

The news of my canceled engagement spread to the other kingdoms, it mainly spread to Aztrez. I hoped Aztria read the papers and would come here and live back here. I missed annoying her every day at her house or the neighbors she would live with.

I was hopeless tho, i already knew she had forgotten my birthday. It was in two days. I had nothing planned but a royal dinner for me. I could invite any royal i wanted.

Every year i would always invite the royals from Aztrez and my royal friends from school.

Only royals were allowed to attend my birthday ceremony. I hated those stupid rules but once i become king i made sure i'd change them.


My knee was hurting so bad, i couldn't let this stupid injury ruin the secret plans i made for Zion. I quickly got a compression bandage and wrapped it around my knee.

It still hurt but i sucked it up, i then went to find the news papers.

I found them and the title had me shock.


What the fuck? i thought. I then read more of the paper.

Words from prince Zion,

"I didn't love Derya, this marriage was forced. Not by my parents but her, she's not the kind princess everyone thinks shes is. She manipulates everyone into thinking she's the victim of everything. She threatened to ruin something i was working on if i didn't do something she wanted me to do. A few days she actually ruined something very very important i needed for one of my private investigations. Derya is not a kind person, i don't want a woman who will hurt my people to rule by my side. That is dangerous not only for my kingdom but for the others outside of it. She is not a nice person and i already had eyes on someone i truly love and know who could rule by my side and care for my people."

"So you did cheat on Derya?" the interviewer asked.

"No. I did not cheat on Derya, those were lies to make me look bad but everyone believed them because they think she's a nice person when she's truly not. Before our 'engagement' i was already seeing someone but she threatened to do, ahem. Very bad things to that person if i didn't leave them." Zion replied to the Interview.

"So you had already been seeing someone before you were 'forced' into this wedding?

"Yes sir" Zion replied.

"Wow, what did your parents think about this?" He asked.

"Actually my mother had already talked about this" Zion replied.

"Is that so? Let's see what she said" The interviewer replied back.

Here are now some news from the Queen,

"Zion is not a cheater. It is very sad to see my people believe some silly princess but not their future king. This girl has tried everything to get with my son. I did not like her from the start, she just wants more power and wants to hurt my kingdom. I do not approve of her being the queen of this kingdom. I'm scared she will destroy the kindness that lives here and generosity. This girl wants nothing but money and power"

What do you think about this canceled engagement and how prince Zion was 'forced' into this?

Wow, I was shocked to see what princess Derya was truly like.

I didn't think she would be this bad.

As soon as i heard the news i thought about Zion and how he felt, was he okay or was Derya threatening to hurt him.

I then paused, no. She was threatening to hurt me.

I was scared, i quickly got changed and decided to head to queens Yesimers castle.

As i got dressed i panicked. What is Derya was gonna kill me? I don't wanna die.

I got outside and ran to her castle as fast as i could. There was no point of taking my horse, it was better if i ran.

I was very tried but i managed to get there. I then saw guards surround me.

"What's going on?!" i yelled. "Lady Nabela please follow us inside immediately" the guard replied.

I was confused of why they were doing this.

As they led me inside the castle i saw queen Yesi talking to what it appeared to be Zion.

Zion was here??!!

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"To talk about the news paper that arrived at my door." I snapped. "You canceled the wedding? why?!" i yelled.

"I'm gonna go to the living room, i'll give you two some space." the queen replied.

"Nabela please listen to me, i know what i'm doing" He replied.

"No you don't. Now Derya is gonna kill me, thanks to you i'm literally dead. She's gonna kill me all thanks to you" i cried.

"Nabela she can't do anything, i know what i'm doing just please listen to me" he replied. "Don't cry, it's going to be okay" he wiped the tears off of my face.

"Let's sit and talk about this" he put his hand out and i grabbed it. He then took me to the table to discuss about this situation.

"Basically what happened was, Derya had threatened to hurt you if i didn't marry her. She's a crazy person and i don't know what she's planning but im not gonna let her attend my coronation if she tries anything to hurt you on these months. You are safe Nabela, me and queen Yesimer have guards watching your place at all times. We will have security around you all the time. We want to keep you safe from this crazy princess. I'm sorry things have to turn out like this but if you're in Aztrez then you're safe." He said.

I looked at Zion.

"Thank you so much Zion, i'm very scared of her and she looks so creepy when looking at. I appreciate you and the queen for looking out for me" i then kissed Zion on the cheek.

"Of course Nabela, plus our guards and security are more powerful and careful than hers. She can't do anything to the Aztrez guards or else that would lead to many consequences like getting her kingdom kicked out of the huge island." he relied.

I felt relieved to know i had Aztrez and Zion along my side.

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