CHAPTER 21: Time

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This is now the present, enjoy!



It was now 3 months before Zions coronation. 1 Before his birthday..

I thought about the coronation, should i go or should i skip it?

I'm sure if i did attend it, Derya would immediately kick me out.

She's Zions fiancé, they weren't getting married until Zions coronation.

I laughed, i thought of the idea where Dreya would put posters of my face saying "NOT WANTED HERE, LEAVE!"

I was laughing so hard to the point where i fell off my chair.

I hated Derya, not only because of what she did to me and Zions relationship but because she was a bitch.

I asked queen Yesimer about her, she told me so much and so did Zion.

Before we were together and before Dreya came to his kingdom. He told me there was this girl who was in love with him and that she would come back, hoping for another chance.

I remember the first night me and Zion spent together, it was the same night me and scarlett broke into a fight.

That bitch was weak as fuck, she pulled my hair so i pulled hers back even harder. I wish i could've done so much more but i was still in Zions room.

The night i spent with Zion was the first night i've ever spent with someone in the same bed.

I lost my virginity to Zion..

I felt ashamed of myself, i would constantly remember my mother's words. I wonder what she would've said if she found out.

Then again, i enjoyed the night a lot.

He was so gentle with me, he was respectful, charming, loveable, he was so much more.

I wish i could've spent so much more time with him before this bitch came but i just accepted the fact that we would probably never be together anymore.


I had to deal with Deryas shit all day. I didn't want to deal with her in general. She was so controlling and i couldn't go anywhere or do anything without her yelling at me and threatening to hurt Nabela if i didn't tell her.

I would make up lies and tell her i went to go see the special gift i was making her for 'our' wedding.

Telling her that made her happy, she was so excited for the wedding.

She believed those lies and she got even more excited, i tried to not laugh but it was funny seeing her get her hopes up.

I didn't care about her feelings or her in general. She's a witch, she ruined everything for me.


Aztria studied hard to get a herbalist job at the Aztrez castle, she passed her first exam but studied hard for the next one.

Zion was also busy planning his coronation, he wanted everything to go perfect, he wanted red tulips, a red suit, he wanted everything red.

He focused on the coronation, he was still trying to get more evidence about Nabela. Little did he know he wasn't the only one trying to figure out who she really was.

Aztria kept thinking about the coronation, she wasn't sure if she wanted to attend it.

A few days passed, Aztria had a busy schedule.

She's been studying for months for this job, she had one more year to go and she would be best herbalist in the kingdom.

The queen was very proud of her and wanted to reward her with something special.

The queen had given her a very beautiful dress, the dress Aztria would wear for Zions coronation. Little did the queen know 'Nabela' was the princess.

Aztria didn't realize tomorrow was her birthday. Her and Zion had very close birthdays.

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