CHAPTER 22: Running Out

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The second polo game was being hosted. I am now 17.

The first year i've spent without my precious mother. I missed her so much but she died a few days after my birthday.

While being tutored i've met this girl named Roceliè. She was a very rich girl, she had moved to Zions kingdom since her parents worked for his parents.

I've been friends with her for 2 months now. She's so sweet and always offers me a room at her house but i would refuse.

Today she begged me to attend the polo game, the last polo game of Price Zion before he became king.

I didn't tell her today was my birthday or she'll freak out and buy me so many thing i don't really need. She was the sweetest, i loved her so much.


Today's Aztrias birthday, Nabelas birthday as well but that was the same person.

It was my last game of the campus before i became king. My father was too old to rule the kingdom so he wanted me to become the king.

I was an only child. My mother only wanted one kid but my father would always beg her for more.

I always wanted a little sibling but my mother didn't want anymore kids. She was too tired dealing with the village and me. She was a very sweet woman tho, she loves the village like her kids. That's why she refused to have more.

I remember the first time i talked to Aztria. That day was the day i asked her to see my polo game. She told me she thought i was weird at first but i laughed.

She made me the happiest man in the world. Her eyes made me smile, her smile made my heart smile.

She was too beautiful for this world, i really hoped she would come to my last game.


"PLEASE NABELA" Roceliè cried and cried harder. She begged me to go to the polo game with her. She said it was her first time seeing one and she didn't want to miss it.

"FINE!" i yelled.

I thought to myself, maybe it won't be that bad..

As i got there, i got out of Roceliès limo.

I spotted the person i hated the most in the world.


I quickly looked at her and she looked at me back.

"What's a poor freak like you doing here? You cant even afford tickets you broke bitch" She laughed infront of her pathetic friends.

"But you cant afford to have Zion love you the way you love him" i laughed back.

"I'm your soon to be queen, i'll have you kicked out of my kingdom as soon as i marry Zion" she snapped.

"If he marrys you, he'll probably just dump you after some day. I'm sure he can't even stand you" i snapped back.

"You dirty bitch you-"

"What's going on here?" A familiar voice asked.

"Queen Yesimer" Derya bowed. "This girl was being very disrespectful to me because i'm gonna marry Zion. She was saying so many rude things. She was disrespecting her future queen" Derya snapped.

"Is this true?" The queen asked.

"No, it's not. She was criticizing me, she was making fun of me for being 'poor' with her friends" i replied back.

I wasn't gonna let myself look like a fool infront of Derya.

"What's going on?" I heard a voice behind me.

"Zion! Your worker was being disrespectful to me. I demand you ban her from our kingdom" she yelled.

"Our kingdom? It's mine, we still haven't gotten married Derya. Stop causing problems, you're making it look like i'm gonna marry some spoiled stuck up bitchy princess" he snapped.

"I'll deal with you at the castle" she replied while leaving.

"Are you okay?" Zion asked me.

"I'm more than okay" i then walked away. Queen Yesi was there and so was Roceliè. I wanted to cry, it hurt me ignoring the man i loved the most, but that man wasn't mine anymore..


Queen Yesi had invited me and Roceliè to sit with her at the TOP ROYAL VIP. I gladly accepted, i didn't want to sit near Derya.

As we got there, Roceliè quickly ran to the food. She loved food so much she said she'd pick it over me. I found it funny to be honest, she made me laugh and smile everyday.


"Yes your majesty?" i relied to the queen.

"Do you like prince Zion..?" she asked.

I looked at her, i felt tears come down my face.

The queen quickly hugged me.

"Nabela, I know Zion loves you. Ever since i sent the guard to wait for you outside. He told me that Zion was carrying you to my castle. Me and Zion are very close, he's always telling me about his problems with the kingdom, about love and so much more. Nabela he's in love with you, but it looks like he's forced into this wedding he does not want to have. He won't tell me the truth but i just give him space. It looks like we don't talk but he's always talking to me and giving me hope to find my Aztria. Nabela, if you want a relationship with Zion then you need to fight for it. It's not gonna be easy. If you truly love someone, you should fight for them" she hugged he very tight.

I was sobbing of course, her words made me realize Zion was the one i wanted.

He's been there for me ever since.

A year ago from today was the day he first spoke to me.

I hugged queen Yesi and thanked her a lot.

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