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Aztria's POV:

"HEY WATCH OUT" yelled Monica!

"I'm so sorry" yelled Aztria trying to pick up her books from the floor. "It's okay, don't worry." Said Prince Zion, helping her pick up her books. "OH MY GOD , IM SO SORRY PRINCE ZION" Yelled Aztria again. "Hey it's really okay, don't worry. Just watch where you're going next time" Zion said, giving Aztria her book. "Thank you" Aztria murmured.

"Watch where you're going you filthy rat!" yelled Scarlett. "Excuse me?" yelled Aztria. "Did you just talk back to a royal? who do you think you are? You're nothing, you're just a poor little girl who got in here for being smart you pathetic witch" Yelled Scarlett.

"That's enough" Yelled Zion. "No it's not enough, i'll do anything to get this filthy rat thrown back to her old poor school" yelled Scarlett. "Poor freak!" yelled the girls watching the fight. "Is this what you like Scarlett? Making fun of people who are 'poor'? people who are different than you?" I yelled. "You're a rat, you don't belong in a school where there's royals and riches. I mean look at your skirt. It has brown, the color of POOR!" Yelled Scarlett.

Readers POV:

Aztria ran away from the scene. Everyone laughed at her, even the man she liked so much. Monica chased after Aztria trying to calm her down. Aztria was upset her so called 'bestfriend' didn't stand up for her.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Scarlett?" Yelled Zion. "No, Zion what the fuck is wrong with YOU" yelled Marcus. "You're defending a poor freak" yelled Marcus again. "You guys are so fucked up, i'm leaving" said Zion walking away. "We need you 30 minutes before the game by the way" yelled Marcus across the hall.

Even if Zion and Marcus got in huge arguments. Zion couldn't hate Marcus. Their dads were very good friends. Zion knew that Marcus father was using his for more fame and power. He hated people who used others for things, but he knew he couldn't do anything. His father was too kind to see that. He loved his family a lot, they were rich, powerful , and generous. He loved generous people.

His father didn't care if Zion wanted to marry someone who isnt royalty or rich. He just wanted his son to be happy with the person he loves.


Aztrias POV:

"Nabela i'm sorry i didn't defend you. My parents aren't as strong as Scarletts or even top 10. I don't mess the people who are higher than me. I'm scared they'll do something and get their parents involved." Monica apologized but i just ignored her.

"You don't think i'm scared either? I'm not even rich or a royal. I don't get treated the same as royals do because everyone thinks i'm a 'rat' for being 'poor'. Scarlett always picks on me for no reason. That stupid little bitch can suck dick" i replied.

Monica laughed. "I love you" she said. "I love you more" i replied.


School was over, this was probably one of the worst birthdays i've ever had. Scarlett is nothing but a spoiled little brat who thinks she's better than everyone just because she's top 5. I hate people who judged others for no reason. Her and Marcus date and always break up the next month. It's so annoying knowing that i'll never get a chance to be with him. Him and Zion are the schools most athletic and popular boys.

Every girl freaks out when they see them. Of course Marcus is my favorite. I don't know much about Zion tho. All i know is that he's sweet and i live in his Village. I gotta say, he's actually really cute and sweet but i'd prefer Marcus over him any day. Marcus is just so attractive.

"Hey Nabela? are you okay?" ...
"watch out!!" He yelled. "SHIT, IM SO SORRY" I yelled. "NOT AGAIN! IM SO SORRY PRINCE ZION" I yelled harder. "It's okay don't worry, also you don't have to call me prince Zion, just call me Zion." He replied. "I'm so sorry again" i replied.

"Don't worry, also, i wanted to see if you were okay." He asked. "Oh" i replied "I'm fine don't worry" i lied. "I'm really sorry about scarlett. She can be a bitch sometimes..well...she's a bitch every day. I don't know how Marcus handles her" He said.

I started laughing out loud. "Yeah she really is" I replied. "I wish princess Aztria was here to put her in her place. Scarlett would've tried to be friends with her just because she has a lot of power. I wonder how Queen Yesi feels about her lost daughter." He said

"Yeah, but don't you think princess Aztria could've been rude too?" i asked. "I honestly think she wouldn't. Her parents are the sweetest. I go to their castle twice a month. My mother is very good friends with queen Yesi." He replied.

"But that's not what i came here for, Nabela, do you wanna come to my game this afternoon..? I wanna make it up to you for scarlett being rude. if you'd like of course. You don't have to if you don't want to" He asked. "Oh uh, yeah sure i'll be there" i replied.

"Okay, see you there lovely"

"lovely"...? i mumbled.

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