CHAPTER 7: Hopeful

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Few words before we start.

Hi everyone, i'm not sure if this is a little confusing but the last two chapters were Julis story and the reason she decided to kidnap Princess Aztria.

Now we're back to Aztrias story, the main story.


When i came home i saw mom cooking my favorite food. I asked her if she was okay but she replied with the same answer. "I'm fine don't worry about me". She looked pale, my mother was really gorgeous. I'm not sure how she didn't want any other man other than my father who passed away before i was even born.

Mom would always tell me, "don't fall for men's tricks. They will only use you to satisfy themselves. Mainly for sex, that's what every man wants". I always had those words stuck in my mind.

That's why i always wondered why prince Zion was being so nice to me. He was probably just using me for sex.

I ignored everything i had going on in my mind and focused more on mom. She looked really sick, she was so pale but i couldn't afford getting a medic.

I decided to take some days off of school just to take care of her. I would cook soup for her and braid her hair while she was reading her favorite book.

Days passed by, i've missed almost a whole week of school. I didn't care tho, my mom always comes first.

When i was cutting carrots i heard a knock on my door. I quickly washed my hands and dried them on my apron.

I opened the door and was shock to see Zion.

"What are you doing here?" i asked. "You haven't come to school for almost a week, i was getting kinda worried if you were okay. You were just fine a few days ago" he replied.

"Do you need anything? are you okay?" He asked. "No, i'm fine you should go do your royal duties now, you're almost gonna be king and your coronation is almost here." I replied.

"It's my duty to take care of the people in kingdom, so i ask again. Is there anything you need?" He asked.

I was annoyed but also grateful that he came. I took this as my only chance to ask for help. "Yes" i replied to Zion. "My mother has been sick for days and i cant afford to get a medic." I mumbled.

"Where is she?" he asked. "In her bed, come" i replied. I took his hand led him to my mother's room. He stood there in shock. "Wow your mother is dying slowly.." he said.

I punched him on the arm. "Don't say that!" i yelled. "Okay i'm sorry, uhm i'll get a medic here as soon as i can okay?" He bowed and left.

I felt so relieved, i ran up to my mother and kissed her on the forehead. "It's okay mom, i'll get you the best medic in the kingdom." I then tucked her in bed and left.

"Wait" she mumbled. "Mom, is there something wrong!?" i ran up to her. "I'm sorry Aztria" she cried.

"Mom are you okay? My name isn't Aztria, it's Nabela. You're hallucinating. I'll call Zion right away" I wiped her tears and walked away from the room.

I quickly got a horse from my sweet neighbor. I rode it to the castle as fast as i could.


Aztria rode the horse to the castle as fast as she could. She questioned the fact her mother called her Aztria.

She didn't think much of it, she didn't care either. She just wanted her mom to be healthy. When she got the castle, the gates were closed.

A guard then approached her, she panicked. "Ma'am , is everything okay?" he asked. "I'm here to see prince Zion" she replied. "So sorry but i cannot let you see him at this moment" he replied back.

The guard thought she was just another fan girl. They've had many random girls come to their gates just to ask for prince Zion.

"Please sir i'm begging you, Zion goes to my school and he stopped at my house. Please sir" She cried. "Ma'am, prince Zion doesn't go to girls houses. That's the dumbest excuse i've ever heard" he laughed.

"It's actually true" a voice replied. "Prince Zion" the guard bowed. "This lady came to castle just to ask for you, she said you go to her school. Then she proceeded to say you went to her house. Shall i dismiss her from here?"

"No need for that, but thank you. You are dismissed, thank you for protecting our gates." Thanked Zion. "Of course your royal highness" the guard walked away.

"Is there something wrong?" Zion asked while handing me a towel. "Sorry i didn't come as soon as i could, i was busy helping out the village." He laughed.

"It's okay but my mom is now hallucinating, she was crying and asking for forgiveness. She then called me Aztria" Aztria mumbled.

Zion was in shock, he didn't wanna ask any questions at the moment but he just ignored that situation and focused on Aztria.

"I'll call a medic right now, plus while you're here, let me show you a little of the castle" Zion grabbed my hand gently and led me to the castle.

"I'm sorry Zion but i just want a medic for my mom, not a tour" Aztria asked. "Well yeah that's where i'm taking you, to the castles medic" he let out a little laugh.

Aztria blushed as she saw Zions smile on his beautiful face. Zion was very beautiful, he had more girls than what marcus had but there wad something different between Marcus and Zion.

Zion was kind, respectful, and very generous and lastly, so attractive. Marcus was rude, full of himself, he fucked every girl he could before he became king, and lastly, he was very hot.

I honestly didn't know how i fell for Marcus but he was just so attractive. I tried to get over him because i realized i looked so stupid liking a boy who just wanted fame and money.

Marcus only wanted to marry a girl with power like scarlett. Although he was top 3 , he wanted to marry the lost princess but she was gone and he lost hope. Instead he focused more on Scarlett. She was the 2 most powerful princess.

He was just like his father, rude, greedy, disgusting , and lastly, very fucking stupid.

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