girls gone wild

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"So Liv, what do you think of us?" Tabitha smiled from across the room.

"I love you guys already." I beamed back at them all.

"Wait until you smell Jack's feet, then you might change your mind." Michael piped up and had everyone in hysterics. The multiple drinks I had was putting me in such a giggly mood. I was aware of not embarrassing myself on the first night but I was enjoying myself so much.

For the next couple of hours I could feel Vinnie's eyes on me every 10 minutes or so and I found myself looking for him too. I couldn't tell if it was a protection thing or he just wanted an opportunity to talk things over, or maybe something different. Something was drawing me to him but I didn't want to just be obsessing over him like any other girl. Especially when every other single woman had his eyes on him. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't trying to do things to catch his eye and please him all night and I could tell you he was doing the same but he wasn't. I definitely didn't like him, but he was significantly more attractive since the last time I saw him and some part of me was protective of him too but I just decided to blame it on the drink I was holding. He was merely just observing, watching me all night. The girls would come and go in his company, drinks would be handed to him and he would laugh at some crappy joke that someone would tell him but every five minutes, his eyes would wander to my side of the room. I walked to the bathroom to freshen up and when I came out, there he was, waiting for the restroom.

"Psycho." I smiled and walked past him as he smiled and he grabbed my arm, wanting to tell me something.

"Wait there a second, I'll be right out." He instructed. I went to grab my drink from the table and stood down the corridor to the bathroom, waiting for him.

"Psycho." He said walking out.

"Shut the fuck up." I laughed, taking a sip. He watched my mouth as I drank. "You thirsty?" He knew that I noticed the stare.

"I have a drink." He held up the red solo cup to my face.

"Why are you looking at me like that then huh?" I said smirking and he took a step closer.

"I'm trying to figure you out." He said plainly. "I haven't seen you in a whi-" He was interrupted by Tabitha dragging Michael to one of the rooms down the corridor that me and Vinnie had just come from. He tugged my arm and pulled me behind the wall next to the room they were in. As we watched the drunken pair start talking. They were both out of it.

"You know what, you have been all over me." She laughed.

"What! No I haven't." Michael laughed, "Look." He paused, as we heard shuffling. "I have a girlfriend."

"She's a lucky girl." I smell the alcohol on them both from here. "I just wish I could do this." Vinnie peered round the wall and when he realised that she was about to kiss him, he ran out from behind the wall.

"What are you doing?" I whispered as he moved towards the door, but being careful to staying hidden.

"Hey hey, I was looking for you!" He grabbed Tabitha before she got to Vinnie, and he kissed her. I looked away. My heart sank. I was so confused as to why the hell he would do that, but I guess that's Vinnie. That's clearly the game he's playing in this house.

I walked into the other room, looking for my phone. I tried to distract myself from what I just saw. Jack looked over at me and realised my mood had dropped. He came over and started taking the piss out of Alex who was currently butchering karaoke. We sat their trying each others drinks and messing about. He did a good job at distracting me because I didn't even realise Vinnie re-enter the room. I looked up and saw him talking to Renata who had a concerned look on her face and exited the room in some what of a hurry. Vinnie clocked us from across the room but didn't come over right away, he went over to Eamon and Jett. Kouvr, Alex, Mia and Thomas all sat in somewhat of a circle around where me and Jack were sat of the sofa.

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now