happiness with you

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Bryce was throwing a party tonight and we were all getting ready to go. My birthday was the next day and I really didn't want to go because I had a meal planned, but Vinnie had begged me for the last few days and I finally gave in. I had songs blasting in my room as a twirled around on my tip toes dancing to the music as I sorted through my wardrobe.

"What are you wearing tonight?" Vinnie stood there in my room.

"Woah what the fuck. You scared me so much." I jumped at his presence, music still blasting. He laughed at the sight of me, in my underwear.

"Nice dancing babe." He smiled.

"Shut up." I threw my slider at him. "Get out you weirdo."

"Okay okay!" He laughed loudly, holding his arms up in defence.

I turned back around and sorted through my clothes once more, shoving my hangers two and fro. Then as I was doing so, Vinnie ran over to me and tackled me into the bed.

"Aghhh!" I yelled as we laughed in sync. "Vinnie be careful of my makeup!"

"Girl you looking too good right now." He licked his lips roughly as a joke, making me giggle.

"I hate you." I threw my head back, giving into him needing my attention.

"Just give me a cuddle for five minutes and I'll go." He snuggled into me on my unmade bed.

"You're the biggest baby I've ever met in my life." I sighed as I stroked his hair. He loved it when I did that.

"Guess I have mommy issues." He looked up and gave me a peck on the lips.

"Maria is a wonderful woman don't you dare claim mommy issues." I looked down at him in my arms. He just looked at me in awe but it always made me self conscious when he looked at me like that.
I always felt like Vinnie was levels above me, he was too good to be true. He wrapped his arms around my waist, my bare skin developed goosebumps at his touch. I needed to get ready before I ended up escalating this situation.

"Alright let's go champ." I squeezed him in signal to get up.

"Can I pick your outfit?" He was leaned back on my bed as I stood holding my options.

"Okay." I smirked as I got changed into the two outfits.

" I smirked as I got changed into the two outfits

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Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now