under the stars

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I went and sat on the grass alone as I took in the surroundings, as the party continued. I realised how amazing it was that everyone here right here right now was here for him. They loved and adored him.

I sat there mesmerised by the scene, I didn't even notice Vinnie walking towards me.

He collapsed himself right next to me. Smiling to himself.

"Having a good time?" I looked over at him, glowing in the moonlight that watched over the garden.

"Hell yeah." He nodded. "I cant believe you're here though." He propped himself onto his elbows, leaning back.

"What can I say." I shrugged, "I'm just a woman of many talents."

"Now I've got you, you're not going back. You're mineee!" He cackled as he tackled me to the ground in fits of laughter.

We were now laying side by side looking up at the stars.

"I fucking love the stars." I laid there next to him looking up.

"Don't get me started on space. I'll be talking to you forever, especially because I'm white girl wasted right now." He mumbled, as he turned his head towards me.

"Don't look at me I have a double chin right now." I covered my neck.

"Way to ruin the moment." He screwed his face, trying to prise my t-shirt off of my neck.

"NOOO!" I yelled as he tickled me to get it off. "Fuck you." I laughed.

He was now leant on my chest, looking at all of my chins on full display.

"God I can smell the alcohol on your breath." I giggled.

"Can you?" He said leaning forward, "Can you?" He was now right up to my face.

"Damn you stank." I said in an overexaggerated American accent. In all honesty I was nervous because I thought he was going to kiss me.

"Too bad." He smiled.

"Why? You're already up in my grill." I bounced back.

"Was gonna make a move." He pouted, squinting his eyes. When he did so, I quickly placed a peck on his lips. He opened his mouth in shock.

"Is that all I'm gonna get?" He squinted and pouted again. So I pecked him again.

"Yeah. I feel like everyone's watching." I blushed.

He took of his jacket and put it over our heads.

"Not anymore." He whispered, I giggled. It was so dark I couldn't feel his face.

 My heart was pounding as he ran his fingers through my hair. My breathing became shallow, as I instinctively think about his lips on mine. His soft lips.

"You want me to kiss you properly," He says as our faces are inches apart, "You'll never admit it, and if I try, you'll probably stop me but... you want it. Don't you?" He whispers onto my lips.

I look down. "No. I don't want you to kiss me." I lied, scared of getting hurt again.

"Bullshit." He quickly fired back. My stomach tightens and my whole body flushes, adrenaline kicking in.

He placed his plump moistened lips on mine, he held it there until he felt me kiss him back. I smiled into the kiss as he shuffled himself up closer, both our heads still in darkness under his jacket. I held his curls where his hair met his neck, as he kissed me slowly and deeply, making me understand what I was missing not being here all this time with him. We laid there, relaxed, softly moaning as he sucked on my bottom lip, enjoying every wet kiss we exchanged. Slow and steamy.

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now