clearly you still like me

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"How was your night then?" Vinnie was sat at the kitchen counter eating an apple, with the single dimly lit hanging light highlighting his face. He frightened me. 

"Why are you up?" I asked, confused. "It's almost 3am." I put my keys away and walked over to the sink to pour myself a glass of water.

"Because I was streaming." He inspected his Apple, avoiding eye contact with me.

"With Nai?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah." He took another bite. "So how was it." He asked again, reiterating the question.

"Good." I smirked, as I took a sip of my water, leaning on the counter.

"What you get laid or something?" Vinnie asked nonchalantly.

"No! Why would you say tha-"

"Then why you smiling like that?" He cut me off, his face deadpan.

"Jesus Dad. Didn't realise I needed to answer 21 fucking questions." I widened my eyes. He didn't look up once.

"Yeah well, I don't trust a guy like that." He finished his Apple. He was pissing me off, the way he was sitting there and judging me and I'd plainly had enough of it. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"That's funny you know." I sarcastically commented.

"Why?" He walked round to where the trash can was beside me, and put his apple core in the bin.

"I know the real reason why Elijah didn't take me to prom." I stated, turning towards him, waiting for him to realise the information I had. That's when he finally looked up, with a slight hint of panic. He swallowed.

"What do you mean?" He swallowed again. "We already know why. He ended up going with Angela when I was with you."

"Did he?" I held his gaze, and slightly tilted my head as I pretended to think. He looked down. "Or did he only ask her because you threatened him not to take me." I squinted my eyes briefly.

"He's a liar if he told you that." Vinnie said stepping forward towards me, now meeting my eye again. "He barely spoke to you anyway!"

"Really?" I stepped forward too. "Why would you do that Vinnie, why the hell would you do that?" We were now centimetres away from each other. Not one of us wanting to back down.

"I told you. I. Didn't. Threaten. him." He said through his teeth. I looked at his mouth.

"I know you did. He has no reason to lie Vinnie." I said now raising my voice at his plain in-denial.

"He has every reason to lie, he wants you to fuck him, idiot." He abruptly blurted out. My face getting more red with annoyance. Until I couldn't take it no more.

"Vinnie what the fuck is your problem." I shoved him out of my face, breaking this close contact. He then grabbed my arms at each bicep and pulled me back.

"You wanna know. You wanna know why." He spat, studying my face, shaking me abruptly. It scared me. "Because I was in love with you. I was so fucking in love with you. And you never realised and you never cared because all you could focus on was that asshole. He never sat with you all through the night in the emergency room when you broke your ankle. He never bought you pizza when you were in a mood to make you happy again. He never held you in his arms when your parents were on the verge of splitting up. Or when you found out your brother had that accident. He didn't know, or care, or love you like I did. And still.. you were fucking obsessed with him." He stood there, breathing heavily. His palm harshly rubbing his forehead in stress. I had no words. My heart was racing. My eyes blurred with overwhelming tears. My best friend just confessed his fucking whole heart to me and I was now expected to respond like this was normal?

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now