wet n wild

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We were planning on going to the waterpark today since the boys wanted to go on the hottest day of the year. It was a trip as normal people, just having fun. No fancy villa or place to stay, we're we're just getting a shitty hotel near the waterpark so we could spend the whole day there without worrying about LA traffic.

Keeping me and Vinnie a secret was getting increasingly hard but every secret kiss and ass slap reminded me of why it was so worth it. But now we were on the way to the waterpark and here I had a half naked Vinnie, who had clearly been working out a lot more.

"I know it's hard not to stare sometimes." Tabitha nudged me. I laughed in embarrassment as Vinnie and all the boys started nudging me and hitting me for staring at Vinnie shirtless.

"You got caught slipping." Jake laughed.

"Fuck. You. I was just in a daze." I defended as I covered my face.

We arrived at the water park, it was so hot out today, apparently the hottest day of the year. Me being used to Seattle weather, I never got used to the heat that LA shone upon us everyday.

"Okay I'm gonna go put our stuff away in a locker while you guys look around." I announced as I took everyone's bags.

"I'll help you." Mia offered, seeing how overwhelmed I was with the bags. We walked over to the locker rooms, I took my shirt off leaving me in my bikini. I got Mia to put some sunscreen on my back because it was so hot that even my olive skin was bound to burn. I looked around the tiled park, screams of joy, loud bassy music, sounds of the water running like a jet stream down all the slides, it was enough to make anyone beam with excitement. Me and Mia walked round to the lazy river where the others were messing around, spinning everyone around in their rubber rings.

Just as we got to the entrance, Mia nudged me. I looked up and gasped at how handsome this lifeguard was stood infront of me, I tried looking over to Vinnie but he wasn't paying attention. This man had to be Mediterranean or something. All dark features, tattooed up both arms from what I could see, nose piercing and pretty jacked. He held the rubber ring up for Mia to take. Mia did so, she was even taken aback by how amazing this man looked. I mean don't get me wrong I really like Vinnie, of course I do but I can appreciate a man that looks like he was hand drawn by God himself.

"We've ran out of the rings so you're gonna have to wait a sec." He said looking at me as he lifted his glasses off, chewing his gum. I nodded in agreement as Mia stood there dumbfounded.
"I'll uhh, ugh see you in there." She pointed to the water before getting in and swimming to catch up with the boys.

"Are you with them too?" The lifeguard asked.

"Yeah." I nodded as we both looked over at Vinnie trying to drown Jack. "Unfortunately." I joked. He laughed. He looked at me up and down, probably trying to figure out if he recognised me.

"Don't you guys do that TikTok thing?" He smiled, as he laughed a little bit at what he just said. I suddenly became quite embarrassed at what I do for a living.

"Uh well when you say it like that, it's embarrassing." I blushed again, he laughed again.

"Sorry sorry, I didn't mean it like that." He explained as we were both now giggling. "You seem cool." He saved himself.

"Thanks." I smiled. "I'll take that after the whole tik tok thingy." I joked, lightening the small talk he was obviously attempting. We continued talking as someone hopped out and gave me their rubber ring so I could get in.

"Ah, I better go so you can do your job." I nudged him. He smiled, so attractively.

"I'll keep my eye on you." He winked as I started to walk in the pool.

"You don't have to, I can swim just fine." I denied the flirty comment without being rude. I could feel his eyes on me, and I wasn't going to lie, I did enjoy it. It was nice to get some attention for a change, rather than Vinnie who always had girls being very hands on with him in public.

Suddenly I felt someone grab my forearm and drag me into the water, almost fully submerged.

"What the fuck was that?" Vinnie wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Vin stop, you're getting my hair wet." I squealed, slightly embarrassed by Vinnie's possessive behaviour.

"What do you mean 'Stop'?" He held his arms up as I saw anger strike across his face. "You and that guy. What's his deal?" He screwed his face, as he looked back at him.

"Vinnie stop you're being embarrassing. I was literally just talking to him." I denied as I grabbed his hands and held them underwater, to try reassure him.

"It didn't look like you were just talking." He stated, still attempting to give the man a death stare.

"It was just," I grabbed his head and turned it towards me, "small talk." I got him to look me in the eye. I looked around for the others as we floated into a cave. They were no where to be seen. "Now you can stop staring at the guy before you start something I don't want you to start."
Vinnie nodded as I leaned into his face. Our wet lips met and I instantly got a tingle, my stomach flipped over. I don't know if it was the fact that we were both covered in water or that we were half naked, or both. We pulled away after a sloppy heated kiss, and we both looked at each other like we wanted to go the whole way to 100th base but we couldn't because we were in a fucking public pool. Kind of kinky though. Vinnie kept nibbling at my shoulder as he pushed me to the exit where the others were getting off. The lifeguard was still there which prompted Vinnie to give me a peck and rest his hand on my waist as we left the water.

"You're so motherfucking extra!" I shook my head laughing as I removed his had as we approached the others.

"He's gotta know who's off limits." Vinnie bit his lip as he shook his shaggy wet hair. God I wanna marry this man sometimes.

"Let's go on the big slide. We can all go in pairs in that one." Jack pointed to the huge slide that seemed to go on forever.

"There's not enough rings. You guys queue up and wait at the top for me and Liv. We'll go find another ring." Vinnie instructed. A few of them furrowed their eyebrows at the sight of us two making hot eye contact, but we couldn't fucking help it. He looked so good. He placed his had on my shoulder as we walked away from them, and slowly slid it down to my waist, leaving his soft palm rested there. I wanted him so bad to just pick me up and take me to a quiet area so he could just do what he wants with me.

"You know what you're doing to me don't you?" I asked, all flustered and grabbing his hand on my waist.

"No." He pulled me back towards his as he spun me around. He slowly pecked me. "Tell me." He looked right into my soul. "What am I doing?" He asked as he smiled and placed his palm on my hip, this time caressing it up and down my side.

"Vinnie stop." I closed my eyes in lust for him. "You know I want to have sex with you so bad right now. So stop." I breathed onto his hot and sweaty body, radiating the suns heat.

"You just gave me a boner." He mumbled so no one but me could hear him as he picked up a double ring for us to go join the others.

"How do you think I feel!" I laughed as I wrapped my arm around his back as we walked along together. "I've not even touched you."

"I know but you just look so fucking good right now." He pressed his nose into the temple of my head.

"So do you." I turned to kiss him one last time. He really went for it this time. "You're lucky it's not that busy in here today because I fucking hate PDA." I screwed my face at him as I stroked my hand down his stomach before pushing him away.
"Now get off me so we can meet our unapproving friends." I held my hand out instead, leading him up the stairs to the top of the water slide where the others were waiting for us.

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now