awkward silences

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The atmosphere with Vinnie over the next couple of weeks was very volatile. We pretty much didn't address each other at all, and the only conversations we had were group conversations. Every time I would walk past him with Nai, they would be executing some form of PDA that made me want to throw up in my mouth.

But on a positive note, me and Ell had become so close, so close that we were actually together now. I hadn't been more happier in my life, and we had pretty much spent every spare moment together when I wasn't scheduled to film or shoot. He was honestly the cutest. PDA was okay when it was me and him because it wasn't gross like Vin and Nai.

Thomas had been planning this pool party for months and this was my opportunity to let Ell meet everyone properly. He'd been over a few times already but mostly to just see me, I've introduces him to a few of them and Thomas seems to like him a lot. The others just take the piss out of how he's Vinnie's stunt double. As far as I was concerned, he was no where near as much of a dick as Vinnie so I clearly got the better end of the bargain.

I was pouring drinks in the kitchen to takeout to the backyard when Vinnie walked in. He stopped in his tracks for a second when he realised we were the only two tin the room; before swallowing his pride and eventually heading over.

"Do you want me to start taking these out for you?" He didn't look at me once, only the red solo cups that were on the counter in front of me.

"Uhh yeah, you can do." I agreed plainly, not looking at him either.

"Okay." He picked up the cups and made a few trips back and fourth to put them all outside as I was pouring them. Every time he entered the room he would look at me up and down. I started to feel slightly more conscious in my electric blue bikini, even though I had a chiffon scarf covering my waist. I could still see him looking in the corner of my eye. It's like he wanted to break the ice, but at the same time, he was the one that created the ice in the first place.

 It's like he wanted to break the ice, but at the same time, he was the one that created the ice in the first place

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The house became more crowded as people started arriving, and as the sun was setting Ell grabbed me by the waist.

"You look unreal." He twirled me round at me biting his lip.

"Ell! I didn't know you were here." I grinned, so excited to see him. I planted a long peck on his lips before squeezing him into a hug.

"Look at you cuties." Larray clapped, as he filmed us on his vlogging camera. Ell just grinned as Larray pointed down to my outfit.

"Miss Olivia, look at those boobie-" Larray got cut off by Ell tilting the camera back up to his face.

"Nah uh uh." He shook his finger, referencing the viral TikTok sound. We all started laughing at Elijah's quick save.

"You're definitely going to edit the sound over that." I laughed at Larray.

"Nah uh uh." He screwed his face sarcastically before doing his model walk away, you could see me in the corner of the frame giggling at him and Ell with his arm around my shoulder.

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now