over tired

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"Are you ready Vin?" I yelled in the foyer with my pre packed suitcase. His car was parked out front, ready and waiting for us to leave.

"Yeah." I heard his soft voice yell back.

He appeared from around the corner with his bags, dressed in sweats with his hair tied back, not something he did often but I loved. His shirt clinged to his torso quite tightly, which displayed all his effort towards working out that he had done recently. I exhaled at the sight of him. Times like this, it was hard to contain myself.

We were deciding to make a road trip back to Seattle, both of us heading home for thanksgiving to see our friends and family.

"Here I'll load your bag into the car." He brushed his hand over my knuckles, clasping at the handle I'd yet had to let go of.

"Thanks." I weakly smiled over to him as I met his gaze, he nodded over to the others waiting behind me to say goodbye.

I hugged them all, it was a bittersweet moment. I would miss them and their chaos around the house but I was ready to have a well deserved break away from it. Although thomas had given me quite a strict social media schedule that I had to stick to.

"Text us when you get there!" Kouvr yelled over, she had such a heart of gold.

"I will." I beamed at her as I climbed into the passenger seat as Vinnie was saying his goodbyes.

"Drive safe." Jack pointed at us both as Vinnie ran around the side of the car. "Especially with racer boy over there."

We both laughed in unison.

"Okay." Vinnie sighed as he started the car, "Ready?"

I nodded in response as he placed one hand behind my headrest and looked out of the back window to reverse back. I tried not to stare. Especially after what he said last night, I could feel myself getting sucked back into Vinnie's charm.

I waved out the window as we drove off and looked in the wing mirror as we drove away from the humongous house.

We sat in silence for a bit, I admired the view whilst Vinnie's playlist filled the need to talk. I started to hum along to 'Apocalypse' by Cigarettes After Sex. The view of Malibu beach on our left, I looked across Vinnie to admire it while we cruised by.

"Are you okay?" He suddenly cleared his throat.

"Of course!" I shuffled in my seat. "Why wouldn't I be."

"I don't know, you just seem a bit quiet today." He glanced over at me briefly, before drawing his eyes back to the road. "Did I scare you off last night."

"No." I laughed, he smiled at the sound. "I actually really liked drunk Vinnie."

"I didn't." He exhaled, placing one hand on his stomach. "This hangover is making me want to puke every thirty minutes."

"Yummy." We laughed in sync. "I guess that means a lot of bathroom breaks on this ride." I added.

"You'll be sick of me by the time we get to Seattle." He pressed.

"I could never get sick of you." I nudged him, "Actually unless you're in a mood."

"I can't help that if you piss me off." He replied.

"Me? Piss you off? I could never." I pretended to be offended.

"You've had your moments." He chuckled.

"Like when?" I responded.

I didn't really want to get into this conversation with Vinnie but I enjoyed putting him on the spot like this.

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now