dinner without a date

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Arriving at the restaurant I was sitting pretty centre with everyone, opposite Jack whilst Vinnie and Nailea were sitting opposite on the end of the table. 

We were all eating and playing games at the table. Taking photos with Tab, being in Thomas's vlog, I was surprisingly enjoying myself a lot. Jack was making me split my sides with laughter as we all had more drinks.

"So big question. You've been here like 5 months now. Do you think you're going to move in full time?" Thomas asked me. Everyone looked at me in anticipation of my answer. Including Vinnie.

"Come on Liv! You know you want to." Jack put his arm around me squeezing my cheek. I grinned.

I swallowed. I didn't expect this question so soon.

"I umm. In all honesty I'm not too sure. I feel like I'm going to go back home for a bit, sort out the rest of my stuff back in Seattle and then uhhh..." I cleared my throat and watched Vinnie lower his head in disappointment, so I decided to change my answer. "Then I'll move in." I smiled to the table as they all cheered.

"YeAASSS!" Jack shook me back and fourth, as we both laughed.

"Shots!" Kouvr called as the waiter placed them infront of us. 

"To Olivia. The newest member of the Hype House." Thomas lifted his small glass to the ceiling.

"To Liv." Everyone corresponded. We knocked the bass of the glass on the table and then shotted the contents. I'm pretty sure it was tequila. Lethal.

Nai didn't say a word to me all night. And shortly after we finished the main meal, she made an excuse to shoot off. I think she was hoping Vinnie would follow her but he didn't. He walked her out front as she got in her uber. I tried not to pay attention, I looked at the desert menu. I got up to go to the bathroom before dessert, when I bumped into Vinnie. I could smell the alcohol on him.

"Oh sorry." I said, trying to move out his way, when he grabbed my arm and looked in my eye.

"You look fucking amazing by the way, I forgot to tell you earlier." He pulled me closer and kissed my cheek, then walked off back to the table. I composed myself, shocked by his actions and walked to the bathroom to freshen up. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, adjusting my dress and slicking my hair. My cheeks were flushed red after that interaction. I was kind of shy to go back and sit on the same table as him.

 I looked it my phone for a few seconds, checking all the insta videos everyone was putting on their story and smiling to myself. Then I decided to walk back to the table after my hear rate had finally decreased.

I walked back to my seat, brushing past Vinnie who was sipping though his straw, he's not squeezed his chair in further toward me so he was no longer on the end.

"Oooh I've got another good question." Mia excited bounced in her seat. "Okay so if you had to pair everyone together in the hype house, who would you pair?" Mia asked the group. 

"What like couples?" Jack asked.

"Yeah exactly." Mia said.

"Obviously, You and Thom; Kouvr and Alex; Tati and Michael are already coupled up, so why don't you answer the question. You couple up everyone else." Jack smirked, pointing at the remainder of us.

"Oh god." I put my head in my hands, knowing this was going to be awful.

"Me and Mia spoke about this in bed last night. We already have out answers." Thomas grinned, looking at Mia who scrunched her nose.

"Okay. Okay. Can we have some deliberation time." Alex raised his arm, pointing his vlog camera at himself.

The three couples all muttered amongst themselves as me and Jack laughed at everyone's faces concentrating so har around the table.

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now