so complicated

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I read the article aloud. Normally this was just stupid gossip to me but this genuinely infuriated me.
I was happy Vinnie was now leaving his room, having a social life and trying to have fun but I couldn't help but feel hurt.
The fact we were over... was becoming a reality.

I got up out of my bed finally, mid afternoon and went downstairs to grab a snack before retreating upstairs to continue watching some shitty series to pass the time.
As I walked down the hall to the kitchen I could hear voices. Great. Why did the kitchen have to be the fucking hangout spot of the house?

"Hey kiddo." Vinnie thew a peanut into his mouth as he laughed along to something Jack had just said.

"Hey." I flashed a brief half-hearted smile at him, before looking through the pantry and deciding to make myself some toast.

"How was the concert last night?" I asked Vinnie, walking past him and his friends congregated in the kitchen.

"It was cool yeah." He nodded, filling his mouth with more nuts, one by one and then all at once.

"I think you've got a thing for Olivia's." I joked, whilst not really joking; and trying to let him know, that I know, about the pictures.

He nervously chuckled as he looked over to all his friends wide eyed. He thought I couldn't see.

"She's so cool though, you'd like her. She's such a nice girl." He pointed with a hand full of food, while I was buttering my toast. "Hey she's got a concert next week, she invited us, you should come!" He suggested.

"Oh really?" I turned and bit a piece of my toast. "She looks like a nice girl to be fair, she's dope, but it's not my kind of vibe." I started walking towards the door, but before I left I turned to Vinnie. "And also, I don't really get girls that enjoy sloppy seconds." I shrugged as I walked back to my room.

I heard a commotion from the boys in the kitchen, a few 'ooohs' were passed as Vinnie just told them to shut up. I couldn't help but smile to myself.
To be clear, I had nothing against Olivia, how was she to know? I was just so pissed off at Vinnie for being so blatantly all over these girls who made me so insecure, knowing I'd see it. Especially after him telling me he still loves me only a few days ago.

A few hours later of getting through a whole series of a shitty rom com show, my phone buzzed. It was late, so I was immediately curious of who the hell was texting me at this time.

I furrowed my eyebrows as my phone chimed multiple times.

I furrowed my eyebrows as my phone chimed multiple times

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Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now