one question, i promise

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It was 11pm and I was still sitting next to Vinnie, I was sure he was probably sick of me by now and wanted to sleep but we couldn't stop giggling at how delirious we were.

His parents had gone home a few hours ago but I wasn't ready to leave. I don't think I ever will be ready to leave his side.

"You should go." He was half still laughing from the story we just recalled when he sat next to a girl that had a bathroom accident in the school cafeteria.

"I don't think I want to though." I giggled, pouting my bottom lip out. But it only occurred to me that maybe he wanted some sleep. "Oh but you want to rest. No I totally get that, I'll just grab my things," I stood up sharply, grabbing my mess that was scattered over the room.

"Why would I want you to leave." He looked over at me like I was being a fucking weirdo. "You can stay all night if you want. I just want to make sure you actually get some sleep." He adjusted himself in the bed.

"I'm fine." I gazed back. "Sounds like someone wants to get rid of me though..." I messed around.

"Shut up and sit yo ass down." He said in a fake aggressive tone.

"What you gonna do get out of bed and fight me." I held my hands up in defence as I sat down.

"Okay not cool." He replied with a flat face, I couldn't help but laugh. He cracked a smile too.

"Now that my voice doesn't hurt to talk as much.." he grabbed his throat giving it a slight massage.

"I can tell, with that attitude." I nodded, crossing my legs on the chair.

"Okay chill." He paused for a second. "I was going to say... now that my voice doesn't hurt, we can talk about the text message." He said in all seriousness.

"Umm we really don't have to." I swallowed, a sounding eye contact with him.

"But I want to." he sat up.

"Vinnie be careful." I worried myself, forcing myself to look at him again. "Do you want a pillow?" I asked.

"Yeah." He groaned, his face squirming to get comfortable. I fluffed a pillow and slotted it lengthways down his back so he could now sit upright. As I went to move away he grabbed my arm.

"Sit here with me." He shuffled over for me to make myself comfortable on the bed. I sat facing him. This was now a much more intimate setting for a conversation I frankly didn't want to have.

"One question. I promise only one," he looked at me with his big gleaming brown eyes and I watched how he licked his lips before he said the following. "Did you mean what you said?" He asked, "In the message. Did you mean what you said?"

"Vinnie I can't really answer that. I just-" he cut me off.

"Did you mean what you said?" The corners of his mouth began to rise slightly.

"Yes. Okay. Yes. In that moment I did." I confessed, looking at my lap and his hand that was very close to it.

"Is that why you stayed with me all that time; When I was unconscious?" He asked.

"Hey you said one question." I furrowed my eyebrows at him. Which lead him to break into a grin.

"Just answer." He rolled his eyes.

"I just wanted any moment I could with you. Whether you knew or not, I just wanted to be here. I felt like it was my fault for letting you drive home. I should have asked you to stay-" I started get emotional, darting my eyes around the room to avoid anything but his concerned face.

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now