after the afterparty

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*WARNING: Non-consensual Kissing*

"Where's Vinnie." I looked around the house trying to find my now boyfriend.

"Uhhh not sure. I haven't seen him in a while actually." Jack Wright turned round from the group he was talking to.

"What the fuck." I fumbled around trying to find him on my phone to call him.

"Vin. Vinnie?" I said down the phone, too drunk to realise if it had even gone through or was still ringing. I couldn't hear anything on the other end anyway so I decided to sack it off and enjoy myself without him.

I stumbled back into the back yard, trying to find Lily or Yasmine. At least I could party the night away with them.

"Olivia." I heard someone call my name. I turned to reveal Eddie, one of Vinnie's friends from home whom I hadn't seen in years.

"Oh my goodness! How are you?" I grinned at him, making him feel instantly welcome.

"This is for you." He handed me a bottle of champagne.

"Oh Ed.. you didn't have to do that!" I pulled him in for a hug, I could smell alcohol on his breath so I assumed that he and his friends had already been drinking quite a bit.

"You look gorgeous. Thank you for having us." He grinned back at me, biting his lip.

"Not at all. I mean thank Vinnie, where ever the fuck he is." I looked around again.

"Oh he's uhh, he's talking to some girl, he's by his room." Eddie pointed behind him, "I saw him on the way in."

"Oh great. I'll go get him in a minute to come say hi." I cleared my throat. "Go enjoy yourself!" I pushed him into the crowd and ushered the rest of the boys to follow him. He locked eyes with me the whole time, as he walked away.

I spent the next hour, throwing my champagne about, downing the rest, finding a random pink fluffy cowgirl hat and adopting it to my outfit, singing happy birthday (which resulted to a lot of frosting on my nose thanks to Vinnie), and dancing on the dj booth, singing in the dj booth and shouting into the microphone. Vinnie had his hand around my waist as we both stood talking into each others ears, gossiping to each other, laughing at people in the crowd. While he gave me secret pecks down my neck as I giggled like a schoolgirl. As I was getting more and more drunk, it was becoming increasingly harder to hide my affection toward Vinnie, often forgetting.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom quick." I held his hand, giving it a final squeeze before walking away. I made my way to the bathroom, head spinning before I accidentally bumped into Eddie as he was leaving the toilet.

"Shit sorry." I held his shoulders, trying to stabilise myself.

"It's okay. It's fine." He grabbed my waist and helped my stand up. I giggled nervously. "I love this outfit by the way. So dope."

"Aha. Full of compliments you are." I booped him on the nose jokingly, shaking my head after.

"What can I say, you are a beautiful girl." He moved his hands up my waist and I tried to take a step back but he tightened his grip. My stomach dropped as I realised what he was trying to do. But it was too late. "How about a birthday kiss?" He asked, pulling me towards him.

"I'm not sure that's how it works." I uncomfortably said, attempting to laugh the situation off and trying to wiggle out of his grasp, but I was too weak from all the alcohol.

"You love playing hard to get." He pushed me against the wall and started kissing my neck.

"Eddie no. Please get off. I really-" I pushed his chest desperately.

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now