skater boy gamer boy

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"Morning Baby." Vinnie kissed my forehead. I smiled at the gesture and nuzzled my sleepy head into his neck. His body was all toasty and warm from the bed so I took the opportunity to wrap my arms back around him. He did it back, intertwining his arms around my torso, pulling me close.

"I want to lay here for a while." I whispered tucking myself into his sheets even further.

"Yeah about that..." He cleared his throat and tensed up a little, "Nailea's coming over soon." he added.

"What?" I asked, confused "Why?".

"Well uh Thomas invited her over because he heard we went out the other day and yeah." He rambled.

"Does she know like what's going on with me and you, because you cant just lead her on Vinnie." I stated, yawning.

"Yeah kind of, I explained some of what was going on yesterday but she doesn't know it's you." He replied.

"Ughhhh." I sighed. "I better go get ready then." I sat up.

"Liv." He blurted out. "Last night was like amazing." He hugged me from behind, "You have nothing to worry about. Trust me." He nodded. I smiled to myself.

"You're not saying that just because you got some?" I referenced to us sleeping together fot the first time.

"No. Dickface." He hit me with a pillow. "Although it did help your case." He joked as I opened my mouth in pretend shock.

"It helped yours too." I stood up, joking around with him, "Always remember your girl has Harry Styles' number saved in her phone." I played with him.

"Yeah but Harry could never do this." He slapped my ass playfully. I giggled as we play fought.

"Alright I'm going to get ready for your girlfriend." I backed away still laughing.

"She is NOT my girlfriend." He widened his eyes, I laughed. "But real talk, go easy on her please." he said in all seriousness.

"I'll never be horrible to her. I actually like her believe it or not, just not when she's sitting in your room looking all cute and whatever." I stuck my tongue out as I left his room to go get ready.

I snuck past the kitchen making sure no one saw me leaving Vinnie's room.


I got ready and greeted everyone in the kitchen.

"Hey Nai." I smiled at her.

"Hey girl." She smiled back, I wondered if she even knew what was going on between me and Vinnie.

"Okay you need to try this." Vinnie walked over to me, shoving a spoonful of something in my mouth as Thomas was filming.

"Ew Vin you can't just shove something in my mouth what if it's like a spoon of shit?" I ranted with my mouth half full.

"Do you like it?" Thomas asked, bringing the camera to my face as he laughed. Vinnie was watching me from two feet away.

I tried to make sense of what the fuck they he had just put in my mouth. Then a whiff of menthol and mint hit my tastebuds.

"Is that toothpaste?" I gagged, "Why is it minty?" I held it in my mouth as I ran to the sink.

Everyone was in stitches watching my reaction as I wiped my mouth.

"Ew Thomas, what was that?" I hit him on the arm playfully. Vinnie stood there shirtless, flicking his hair back with his arms crossed, clearly proud that he had created somewhat good content for Thomas.

"It's mouthwash flavoured ice cream." He laughed.

"Why did she hold it in her mouth so long before she realised?" Vinnie was in stitches laughing as Thomas panned the camera round.

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now