makeout central

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I looked around the crowded space. People were drunk dancing, swimming and talking. I desperately paced around asking anyone that passed me if they had seen Vinnie.

I looked around the house, by the drinks table, even by the food he was swallowing like a hungry pig. No where. I then walked back in the house and decided to check his room. I opened the door and I saw him on his chair, with Nai on his lap. The silhouette of them kissing made me realise they were busy. My heart stopped for a moment as I nervously stumbled back murmuring "sorry". I closed the door and tears started to fill my eyes.

Vinnie didn't want me. Elijah didn't want me. How stupid was I to think that after weeks of not talking to him he would be there for me. How stupid was I to argue with him over something he was right about all along. He didn't care for me now. I had done this to myself.

My internal monologue continued as I stumbled up to my bedroom. My intoxicated body ran to my ensuite as I threw up everything I had drank. I sat by the sink, water running. This was a low.

My head hurt and my heart hurt. Maybe this wasn't the place for me. All these people and not one was here with me right now. I was at my complete lowest since I'd been here. I missed my mum, my family. I missed when I didn't care about anything.

Then there was a knock at the bathroom door.

"Liv?" I heard a soft voice say my name. I didn't want or care to reply. "Liv. It's Jack."

I wiped the mascara from my face as the door opened. As he looked at me, in the reflection of the mirror, my eyes welled up again.

"Come here." He walked towards me with his arms out. I clung to him straight away, craving that need for affection after I'd lost it all. "What's up bud?" He softly whispered, caressing my hair as I wept into his shoulder.

"Everything Jack." I murmured.

"How do you feel, do you feel like you're going to throw up?" He placed his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eye.

"No. No. I already did that." I chuckled, wiping my tears. He smiled at the sight of me smiling for a brief moment.

"Come lets sit down." He walked me to my bed, placing pillows for me and him to sit adjacent to each other.

"I'm sorry." I said, blowing my nose. "You don't have to look after me. Go back to the party."

"No way. Have you seen what's going on down there." He said, wide eyed. "It's like make out season."

That made me laugh.

"You don't have to tell me what's up... but I just want you to know, that you're worth more than anyone who doesn't put you first. A guy that can walk away during you at your highest, will definitely leave you at your lowest. And that is not worth your time or energy." He said, grabbing my free hand. "But it's hard. I know from experience. Even the ones that seem nice, they're not. Sometimes it's the people that give you that tough love, they're the ones that really care about you."

That made me think of Vinnie.

"I just feel like I've fucked it all up Jack." I sniffled, looking to the blank wall. "Elijah called his ex girlfriend to pick him up, all because I had one conversation with Vinnie... When Vinnie doesn't give a shit. He doesn't give two shits, he's all over Nailea. And I'm here, looking like a dickhead because Elijah's just up and left. Just like Vinnie said he would."

"Have you spoke to Vinnie since?" He asked.

"No. I tried," I started, pausing as my mind relived the sight of Vin and Nai getting it on. "But he was... umm.... busy... with Nai." I looked down at my lap, picking at my nails.

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now