coming to a headlight

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Nai and Vin had been on each other all night since she came over. I sat at the breakfast bar on my phone while his stupid laugh kept going on and on and on, ringing through my ears. I loved him but I couldn't stand this bachelor attitude he had on him. Especially after earlier when he tried to kiss me during paintball. I watched as he held her in his arms and Thomas vlogged then both. She wrapped herself further in as everyone watched the perfect dynamic between them. But I couldn't anymore. I decided to make myself a decaf coffee and head up to my room.  I showered and slipped into an oversized tracksuit which made me look like a balloon but ya know comfort is key. I let my ringing wet hair dangle down the back of the sweat shirt and slipped my glasses on. I set up my laptop, slid my feet under the cool covers and loaded up my laptop. I decided to watch the new episode of euphoria, I was already in a bad mood so I didn't mind Nate Jacobs putting me in a worse one. I must have been halfway through an episode when my phone chimed.

 I must have been halfway through an episode when my phone chimed

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Where are you?


Why? Come down and hang.

I'm good. I'm tired.


Well ur missing out

:( poor me

ur missing out on Jacob Elordi's fine ass

Oh is that how it is

I'm gonna go bed soon anyway

Come up after if you want

I would but Nai is staying in wit me tonight

promised her a movie

lmao have fun then

I'll try u lil moody ass

I locked my phone after his last message. Of course Nai was staying with him. Why was I getting jealous? Vinnie was my just my friend. He was my friend who clearly had an addiction to women and I was not about to be one of them. Although a big part of me wanted to be that one 'pick me choose me' girl that he actually payed attention. I didn't expect any less. As I was sitting there, bare feet against the duvet, I had the urge to text Elijah.

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