we can't do this

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"What? What is it?" Vinnie asked in annoyance as I pulled him into his room quickly.

"Shhhh." I put my finger on my lips to hush him.

"What? Why are you acting all weird?" He screwed his face.

"Vinnie. Mia while you were sleeping started going on about how we. I- well- me and you." I tried to articulate my sentence.

"Liv speak English." Vinnie said all concerned as he laid himself on the bed, resting against the headboard.

"She said me and you, together; is not a good idea." I cleared my throat.

"What?" Vinnie looked all confused but he put his arms out for me to come join him on the bed.

"She said because of last time and they don't want to risk loosing one of us if it didn't work out. Which I get but like that's just not fair-" I went off on a tangent as I laid down next to Vinnie.

"Hey hey hey!" He stroked my hair as he wrapped his muscular arms around me, "Calm down." He laughed.

"Vin it's not funny. They don't want to see us together." I looked up at him with my hazel eyes. "I know we aren't even together but, I don't know, I just feel like with our situation..."

"Listen why are you bothered." He looked down at me. "Okay if they don't want us together then there's nothing we can do about that." He shrugged.

"Vinnie what the fuck." I sat up, looking at him.

"Do you think it's gonna stop me?" He sat up too, meeting my face and kissing me sweetly on the lips. I melted into him, he just does something to me.

"So.. so what are you saying?" I asked, biting my lip and playing with Vinnie's shirt.

"I'm saying we will just have to keep things on the down low. No one can know. Only me." He pecked me once, "and you." He pecked me again.

"Okay." I whispered onto his lips, god I was obsessed with this man. "But Jack saw us yesterday." I remembered.

"I'll talk to him." Vinnie reassured me. I nodded.

We sat there on bed for a while. Holding each other in secret while everyone was getting ready for the day. This was going to be the hardest thing to ever do. We had to savour each moment we had while we had it. We laid there laughing about last night, taking the piss out of each other when we heard Jake yell.

"Vin! Vinnie!" Jake shouted from the hallway.

"One second bro!" Vinnie called back. "I'm just getting changed!"

"Shit." I whisper-shouted.

"It's fine. We're just friends." Vinnie shrugged.

"Shut up." I laughed.

Vinnie grabbed me and kissed me before going to walk out his bedroom door. My cheeks flushed a claret colour.

"Just friends yeah?" I grinned at him before he left, and I followed behind 2 minutes later to not make it obvious I was in his room.

I walked to the dining table where everyone was sat and plonked myself onto a bean bag in the corner.
Vinnie made eye contact with me from across the room full of people. I blushed, looking back down at my phone.

"So we booked the trip to Malibu. We're camping on the beach." Thomas looked at us all.

"Yes!" Jack yelled. "This is gonna be so fun."

"When is this?" Vinnie asked.

"This weekend." Thomas explained the itinerary to us. "Olivia you have to come."

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now