silver lining dream

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Vinnie's Parents, alongside Reggie quickly arrived at the hospital after I called them.

The light in Maria's face seemed to come back, returning herself to the happy, smiley woman she always was. Reggie didn't know what to say. He just stood by his bed, one arm on the covers, just to show Vinnie he was there. And Nate, Nate didn't stop talking, about how much he loved him and how when he was better they were going to all these crazy things to commemorate.

I decided to leave them with him and give them space, I didn't want to overwhelm him after just waking up. I managed to get home, shower and slick my hair back to make myself look somewhat presentable. I had no motivation for myself, all I cared about was seeing him again. Feeling guilty for leaving his side even for a second.

My mother cooked me a pasta bake, and I managed to eat half of the bowl before my mind was racing too much to eat anymore. It was getting close to evening time and I thought I would go to see him again, see if he was properly talking or anything. Or even just to see his face, his eyes, his half-assed smile because he didn't quite have the energy to create a full one.

I stopped off at CVS, and made up a little bag for Vinnie, I know he would hate seeing himself in a state like this, even if he did just merely escape death.

When arriving into his room, they were all in the same position, gathered around his bed.

"Hey Liv." His mom, greeted me, Reggie shot me a smile.

"Good news he knows who we are and doesn't think we are some crazy people who sit by his bed twenty-four seven." Nate chuckled.

"Are you sure about that?" Vinnie croaked, making us all laugh. His voice, it brought tears to my eyes. I sniffled, feeling stupid for getting all emotional. My bottom lip quivered as I repeatedly swallows to try and suppress sobbing at how happy I was to see him, to hear him.

"Oh gorgeous, don't cry." Maria stood up, walking over to me and holding me in a hug that could only be given by a mother.

"I'm okay." I sobbed a little bit quickly wiped my tears, embarrassed that Vinnie was watching.

Maria lead me over to the seat next to his bed and stood behind it. I took a seat and looked at him, not really sure what to say.

"Are you okay?" I smiled through my now red and blotchy face.

"I mean..." His eyes wandered to the cannulas coming out of every piece of spare skin.

"Sorry." I chuckled, "stupid question."

"It's fine." He flipped his palm to the ceiling, for me to hold it. I looked at it for a second, dumbfounded. He watched my expression as I laid my hand softly on his.

"It doesn't hurt does it?" I asked him, I don't know how a man of his size could look so fragile, I was so scared of hurting him.

"No." He folded his hand round mine, making the corners of my mouth turn slowly upwards.

I was caught in the moment with him, still not sure if this was a silver lining dream from all the traumatic visions I was having from his crash. I almost forgot his family was even in the room.

"We're going to get some food in the main atrium. So we will leave you to it. Olivia would you like anything?" Vinnie's mother asked, holding my shoulders like a guardian Angel.

"I'm okay thank you, I managed to eat earlier." I smiled back at her.

"Okay honey, we'll we will be back soon." She let go of me, following Reggie and Nate out the door.

I held my gaze on them as I watched them return to the same happy family they once were. Their son was alive, hell, their son was talking and moving even when the doctors said he wouldn't.

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now