from ex to the next

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After a full day of immaculate vibes in the sun. Spending the day with Vinnie again was like a dream. The sun was setting and the girls decided that they wanted to watch the parade and fireworks. We headed up to main street which was now like a scene from the fourth of July. The lampposts wrapped in fairy lights, people lined the streets, sitting on the sidewalk, waiting in anticipation for the parade to start. People held up glowsticks, toys whilst silhouettes of mickey ears littered the street. I was walking next to Vinnie and Jack when we bumped into a group of people.

"Wait I know you." One of them pointed at me. It was Elijah. Vinnies face dropped. The guy who I liked all through high school, which I know he was aware of. He was quite literally the most handsome boy I ever laid eyes on. He would always show off in front of me, or I'd catch him looking over. But he was with Angela, this pretty tiny little brunette that he had dated for years. It was kind of a 'we both clearly find each other attractive but there's nothing we can do about it' kind of situation. Although for years he lead me on, and Vinnie was aware of who he was.

"Elijah, right?" I acted fake confused, to try to hide my excitement. "What are you doing here?"

"Bit embarrassing but I'm on a family trip." He smiled, I hadn't seen that in a long time.

"Is Angela here?" I looked around behind him. His face looked disappointed.

"Uh no we broke up." He quickly brushed past the topic. But I'm here with my brother and my niece." He explained. "They live out here."

"Oh no way!" I said, getting into the conversation. Vinnie looked me up and down, waiting for me to walk away but I really didn't want to. He had no sympathy for the fact that the one guy I've ever liked is stood here talking to me right now. Its literally fate. To make him uncomfortable, I dragged him into the conversation.

"You remember Vinnie right?" I said pointing at Vin.

"No fucking way." He smiled.

"Hey bro," He said giving Elijah a high five and a pat on the back. "Liv I'm gonna find us a spot, I'll see you in a sec." He said kind of rudely, clearly wanting to leave the conversation.

"How long are you here for?" I said, touching Elijah's arm briefly, to draw his attention.

"For the summer pretty much." He noticed the touch and almost got nervous, not something I'd seen from him before. Probably because we'd never had a full on conversation. "We should hang out. If you want.. if you're not busy." He confidently asked.

"That would be cool." I said, looking into his blue eyes. He looked into mine.

"Dinner?" He suggested, I was shocked at his confidence, he was always the quiet and mysterious one in school.

"Oh you're trying to make moves." I joked.

"Maybe I am.. maybe I'm just hungry." He replied, cheekily. My phone started ringing min my pocket it was Vinnie, he had text me a few times to hurry up. Why was he acting all psycho for?

"I got to go," I said abruptly. "But do you wanna give me your number and I'll text you later." I asked in hope he's say yes.

"Making moves are we?" He smiled down at my phone screen as he tapped in his number.

"Maybe? Or maybe I'm just a nice friend." I bit my lip as he handed the phone back. He laughed, and I turned to walk away to find the others. I was desperately trying to hold in my excitement.

I saw Vinnie and Jacks blonde curls from far off, sitting on the sidewalk, like two little kids. Mia clocked me and ushered me to come over and take a seat next to them. I squeezed in on the right side of Vinnie.

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now