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I woke up the next morning in Vinnies arms as the light crept through the cracks of the window. I looked at his perfect face. That cute nose, his strong jawline that I traced with my finger. Those lips. I needed him more than I ever did before and he did everything last night. Staying up with me, having stupid conversations about theories and gossiping about anyone and everyone. He had patched up any bit of hurt that I felt from last night.

But was that all it was? Was he just being the Vinnie I had always known and loved. The overprotective figure that had been with me multiple times before when I was hurting. Maybe it wasn't anything special and my broken heart was overthinking last nights interactions.

Vinnie murmured and proceeded to stretch before opening his tired eyes.

"Ew what are you doing here." He croaked in his raspy morning voice, giving me a little shove.

"I think you'll find this is my bed." I said, mouth wide open.

"I think you told me to stay here last night." He smartly replied.

"Let me not get started on your antics last night." I smiled. His eyes widened, as he stretched. He then laughed at the thought of us.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He denied.

"Shut up." I nudged him and we started to play fight.

We laid next to each other for a while making stupid TikTok's and laughing about last night.

We laid next to each other for a while making stupid TikTok's and laughing about last night

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I posted an Instagram story of us.. in all honestly to piss off Elijah. He deserved it.

After a while we braved going downstairs to the chaos left behind of the night before.

Vinnie pretended to shove me down the stairs and I let out a squeal.

"Here they come!" Alex shouted, hearing us from the stairwell.

"Morning. Morning." Vinnie bowed as he entered the kitchen and I shook my head.

But in sync we both stopped in our tracks. There she was sitting right across the counter...



I smiled at everyone and just headed to the fridge to see what I could have for breakfast as Vinnie went over there. I desperately avoided eye contact.

She couldn't know, surely she couldn't know. But why was she here? Did she stay here last night?

I grabbed a punnet of grapes and washed them in the sink, trying to hear their conversation behind me. A wave of guilt came over me, something about this felt so wrong. As I turned round from the sink, Vinnie had his arms wrapped around her from behind, but her face was blank like she had no expression. I didn't know what she knew but something wasn't making her happy.

We all got into small talk from last night, how drunk people were and how much of a good time everyone seemed to have.

"Where did Elijah go to in the end?" Thomas asked in front of everyone. He didn't know. I felt my cheeks burning up.

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now